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Counties of Cities/Towns Represented
To Find A City, Click on the First Letter of the City to be Directed to a List of Cities that Begins With That Letter; CMHR stands for Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients
Pennsylvania's Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, includes recipients born in Pennsylvania but medals credited in another state.
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
Allen, William
Ammerman, Robert Wesley Anderson, Everett W. Anderson, Thomas Andrews, John Apple, Andrew O. Arnold Abraham Kerns Baird, Absalom Baldwin, Charles H. Barrett, Edward Beaumont, Eugene Beauharnais Beebe, William Sully Benfold, Edward Clyde “Ted” Benjamin, Jr, George Bennett, Orrin Benyaurd, William Henry Harrison Besiderio, Reinald Benjamin Betts, Charles Malone Beyer, Hillary Binder, Richard Bingham, Henry Harrison Bishop, Charles Francis Bishop, Francis A. Blackmar, Wilmon Whilldin Blackwood, William Robert Douglas Blair, James Blickensderfer, Milton Blucher, Charles Blume, Robert Bonebrake, Henry G. Bonnaffon, Jr., Sylvester Boon, Hugh Patterson Boone, Joel Thompson Bourke, John Gregory Brannigan, Felix Brazell, John Brest, Lewis Francis Brewster, Andre Walker Breyer, Charles Brogan, James Bronson, James H. Brown, Benjamin Brown, Charles E. Brown, Jeremiah Z. Brown, Melvin L. Brutsche, Henry Buchanan, David M. Burnett, George Ritter Butler, Smedley Darlington Buzzard, Ulysses G. Caldwell, Daniel G. Campbell, Albert Ralph Canfield, Heth Capehart, Charles E. Capehart, Henry Carey, Alvin P. Carlisle, Casper R. Carpenter, Louis Henry Carson, William J. Cart, Jacob Casey, Henry Casey, James Seaman Chambers, Joseph B. Clark, James G. Clark, Wilfred Clark, William A. Clausen, Charles H. Clay, Cecil Clifford, Robert Teleford Clopp, John E. Collis, Charles Henry Tucky Comfort, John W. Connell, Trustrim Conner, Richard Connor, William C. Cook, Walter Howard Corcoran, Michael Corson, Joseph Kirby Crandall, Charles Crawford, Alexander Crescenz, Michael Joseph Crilley, Frank William Cripps, Thomas H. Crouse, William Adolphus Cunningham, Francis Marion Cunningham, James Smith Cutter, George W. Dailyy, Charles Damato, Anthony Peter Davidsizer, John A. Davis, Joseph H. Davis, Charles C. Day, Charles Deakin, Charles Deary, George Delacey, Patrick Delaney, John Carroll Delavie, Hiram H. Dempster, John Denig, J. Henry Deswan, John Francis Dias, Ralph Ellis Dolby, David Charles Donaldson, John P. Doolen, William Dougherty, James Dougherty, Michael Dougherty, William Drexler, Henry Clay Drustrup, Niels DuMoulin, Frank Duncan, James K.L. Durney, Austin Joseph Dutko, John W. Edgerton, Nathan Huntley Edwards, Walter Atlee Elliott, Alexander Ellis, Horace Engle, James Edgar English, Jr., Glenn Harry Estocin, Michael John Etchberger, Richard L. Evans, Thomas Ewing, John C. Farren, Daniel Fasnacht, Charles H. Fassett, John Barclay Feaster, Mosheim Fisher, Harry aka Franklin J. Phillips Fisher, John H. Fisher, Joseph Flanagan, Augustin D. Foley, Alexander Joseph Fox, William R. Francis, Charles Robert Frick, Jacob G. Fry, Isaac N. Funk, Jr., Leonard Alfred Funk, West Furman, Chester S. Furness, Frank Galloway, George Norton Galloway, John Gaughan, Philip Gedeon, Louis Gilligan, Edward Lyons Girandy, Alphonse Glavinski, Albert Goodman, Willaim Ernest Grace, Henry Patrick Graham, James Albert Graul, William L. |
Gray, Robert A.
Greenawalt, Abraham Gresser, Ignatz Gross, Samuel Gunther, Jacob Haffee, Edmund Hallman, Sherwood H. Hamilton, Richard Harmon, Amzi Davis Harr, Harry R. Harris, George W. Hartell, Lee Ross Hartranft, John Frederic Harvey, Raymond Hawkins, Martin Jones Hawkins, Thomas R. Henry, Guy Vernor Herron, Francis Jay Herron, Leander Heyl, Charles Petit Heath Hickman, John S. Higby, Charles Hill, Edwin Joseph Hill, Henry Hill, James Madison Himmelsback, Michael Hoffman, Thomas W. Hogan, Franklin Hoover, Samuel Horner, Freeman Victor Horton, William M. Charlie Hottenstine, Solomon J. Howard, Henderson Calvin Hubbard, Thomas H. Huber, William Russell Huff, James W. Huidekoper, Henry Shippen Hunterson, John C. Hyatt, Theodore Iams, Ross Lindsey Ilgenfritz, Charles Henry Jennings, James T. Johns, Henry T. Johnsen, Hans Johnson, John Johnson, Joseph Esrey Johnson, Peter Johnson, Ruel M. Johnson, Samuel Johnston, David H. Jones, William Kanppenberger, Alton W. Kay, John Kefurt, Gus Kelly, Alexander Kelly, Charles E. Kelly, John D. Kephart, James Kerr, Thomas R. Killackey, Joseph Kilmartin, John Kindig, John M. Kinsey, John Kirk, John Kirkswood, John A. Kitchen, George Krause Kramer, Theodore L. Kreher, Wendlin Lafferty, John Landis, James Parker Laws, Robert Earl Lawson, John Lear, Nicholas Lee, Fitzgerald Leon, Pierre Leonard, William Edman Levery, William Lewis, Dewitt Clinton Lilley, John Lloyd, Benjamin Lobaugh, Donald Ronald Lower, Cryrus B. Lowry, George Maus Luty, Gotlieb Lytle, Leonidas S. Maclay, William Palmer Macneal, Harry Lewis Mahoney, George Marm, Jr., Walter Joseph Marquette, Charles D. Martin, Edward S. Martin, James Martin, Sylvester Hopkins Mathias, Clearence Edward Mathies, Archibald Matthews, John C. Matthews, Joseph Matthews, Milton Mausert, III, Frederick William May, John May, William C. McAdams, Peter McAnally, Charles McCammon, William Wallace McCormick, Michael P. McGinnis, Ross A. McGraw, Francis Zavier McKeever, Michael McKown, Nathaniel A. mcViegh, John J. McWilliams, George Washington Mears, George W. Mechlin, Henry W.B. Merli, Gino Joseph Merrifield, James K. Messerschmidt, Harold O. Mestrovitch, James I. Miller, George W. Miller, Hugh Miller, Robert James Miller, William Edward Mindil, George Washington Minick, John W. Mitchell, Alexander H. Mitchell, John James Mitchell, Joseph Andres Mitchell, Theodore Monaghan, Patrick H. Moore, George Morford, Jerome Morgan, William David Morris, James L. Morris, William Powers Morrison, Francis Mostoller, John William Mulholland, St. Clair Agustin Munsell, Harvey May Murmurtry, George G. Murphy, Daniel J. Murphy, Edward F. Myers, William H. Novosel, Michael Joseph O'Neal, john Oliver, Charles Orr, Moses Orr, Robert Levan Ortega, John Orth, Jacob George Paige, Mitchell Palmer, William Jackson Paul, William H. Payne, Irvin C. |
Pearson, Alfred L.
Peirson, James Kastor Pennsyl, Josiah Pennypacker, Galusha Petty, Orlando Henderson Petty, Philip Pfeifer, Louis Fred Phillips, Josiah Pinder, Jr., John J. Pipes, James Milton Pitman, George J. Platt, Goerge Crawford Port, William David Porter, Donn F. Porter, Horace Prom, William Raymond Purcell, Hiram W. Purman, James Jackson Purvis, Hugh Quay, Matthew Stanley Quick, John Henry Quinn, Alexander M. Ramer, George Henry Rankin, William Rannahan, John Raub, Jacob F. Reed, George W. Reed, William Reem, Robert Dale Reese, James W. Reid, Robert Alexander Reigle, Daniel P. Reisinger, James Monroe Ressler, Norman W. Rhodes, Sylvester D. Riley, John Phillip Robinson, Thomas Rodenbough, Theophilus Francis Roeder, Robert E. Rogan, Patrick Rohm, Ferdinand Frederick Roosevelt, George Washington Rought, Stephen Roush, James Levi Rowand,, Archibald Hamilton Rush, William Rees Rutter, James May Ryan, David Sabo, Leslie Halasz, Jr. Sacriste, Louis Jeanottelle Sanderson, Aaron Sands, William Sapp, Isaac Sarnoski, Joseph Raymond Sayers, Foster Joseph Schaffner, Dwite H. Scheibner, Martin E. Schmidt, Jr., Oscar Scott, John Wallace Seitzinger, James M. Sellers, Alfred Jacob Semple, Robert Seward, Griffin Shambaugh, Charles Shellenberger, John Shepherd, Warren Julius Shiel, John Shingle, John Henry Shomo, William Arthur Shoonmaker, James Martinus Shopp, George J. Shughart, Randall David Silk, Edward A. Sinnett, Lawrence Clinton Sitman, William S. Sloan, Andrew Jackson Slusher, Henry C. Smalley, Reuben S. Smith, Robert Smith, Thaddeus S. Smith, Theodore F. Snedden, James Snyder, William Ellsworth Sowers, Michael Speicher, Clifton T. Spence, Orizoba Springer, George Stewart, James A. Storey, John Hamilton Reid Strausburgh, Bernard A. Strayer, William Sundquist, Axel Leohard Swan, Sharles Alexander Swap, Jacob E. Tanner, Charles B. Taylor, Anthony Taylor, Forrester L. Taylor, William G. Tea, Richard Longstreet Thayer, James Thomas, Charles L. Thomas, Hampton Sidney Thompson, Henry A. aka Roderick P. Connelly Thompson, James B. Thompson, Joseph Henry Thompson, Peter Thornton, Michael Tominac, John Joseph Trautman, Jacob Trautman, Peter Trout, James M. Tucker, Jacob R. Turner, Day G. Tweedale, John Vanderslice, John Mitchell Vantine, Joseph E. Vaughn, Pinkerton Ross Veale, Moses Wainwright, John Walton, George Washington Ward, Charles H. Warfel, Henry Clay Watson, James C. Weaher, Anderew J. Weicht, Ellis R. White, John Henry White, Joseph Widmer, Jacob Wilkens, Henry Will, Walter J. Williams, Elwood N. Williams, Henry Williams, John Williams, Peter Williams, William Willis, Richard Wilson, Alfred Leonard Wilson, Benjamin Wilson, Charles E. Wilson, Francis A. Wilson, William Winder, David Francis Witcome, Joseph Woodall, Zachariah Woodward, Evan M. Wortick, Joseph Wray, William J. Wright, Albert Yeager, Jacob F. Young, Andrew J. Zeamer, Jay |
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