TEXAS (email sent to Texas Veterans Commission, 11/18/13)
Additional Information Can be Found At:
- Congressional Medal of Honor - http://www.cmohs.org/
- Faces of Valor, Honor the Fallen - http://projects.militarytimes.com/valor/
- Historical Marker Database - http://www.hmdb.org//
- Iraqi War Casualties - http://icasualties.org/OEF/USCasualtiesByState.aspx
- Markeroni - http://www.markeroni.com/
- Texas Korean War Casualties - http://www.vetfriends.com/memorial/mem_alphab.cfm?war_id=3&page_id=1&states_id=45
- Texas Veterans Commission - http://www.tvc.texas.gov/Home.aspx
- Texas Vietnam War Casualties - http://www.vetfriends.com/memorial/mem_alphab.cfm?war_id=4&page_id=1&states_id=45
- US World War I Casualty Records - https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/United_States_World_War_I_Casualty_Records
- Waymarking - http://www.waymarking.com/
Counties of Cities/Towns Represented
To Find A City, Click on the First Letter of the City to be Directed to a List of Cities that Begins With That Letter; CMHR stands for Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients
Texas' Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, includes recipients born in Texas but credited in another state.
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
Adams, Lucian
Anderson, Richard Allen Austin, Oscar Palmer Austin, William Grafton Barkeley, David B. aka David Bennes Barkley Benavidez, Roy Perez Bennett, Steven Logan Bordelon, William James Bulkeley, John Duncan Carswell, Jr., Horce Seaver Cole, Robert George Connor, John Creek, Thomas Elbert Davis, Jr., George Andrew Dealey, Samuel David Dozier, James B. Edwards, Daniel Richmond Everhart, Sr., Forrest Eugene Factor, Pompey Ferguson, Frederick Edgar Fields, James H. Fowler, Thomas Weldon Garcia, Macario Gonzalez, Alfredo “Freddy” Graves, Terrence Collinson Guillen, Ambrosio Hanson, Jack G. Harrell, William George Harris, James Lindell Harrison, William Kelly Hawkins, William Deane Hayden, David Ephraim Herrera, Silvestre Santana Holland, Milton Murray Howze, Robert Lee Hughes, Lloyd Herbert Hutchins, Johnnie David Kane, John Riley Kearby, Neel Ernest Keathley, George D. Keith, Miguel Kilmer, John Edward |
Kimbro, Truman
Knight, Jack Llewellyn Knight, Raymond Larry Law, Robert David Lee, Milton Arthur Leonard, Turney White Lloyd, George Logan, James Marion Lopez, Jose Mendoza Lummus, Jack Martinez, Benito Mathis, Jack Warren McCabe, William McCleery, Finnis Dawson McDonald, Franklin M. McLennon, John McNerney, David Herbert Mitchell, Frank Nicias Moreland, Whitt Lloyd Morgan, John Cary “Red” Murphy, Audie Leon Obrien, Jr., George Herman Paine, Adam aka Adan Payne Payne, Isaac Pendleton, Charles F. Phillips, George Frederick Roan, Charles Howard Robinson, Jr, James E. Rodriguez, Cleto L. Sampler, Samuel M. Sasser, Clarence Eugene Shelton, George Mathews Smith, Paul Ray Steindam, Russell Albert Stone, James Lamar Turner, George Benton Wallace, Herman C. Ward, John Watkins, Travis E. Whiteley, Eli Lamar Wilson Alfred Mac Young, Marven Rex |

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If you are reading this, Thank a Teacher. If you are reading this in English, Thank a Veteran. Author Unknown |
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