(Some information provided by Missouri Veterans Commission)
Additional Information Can Be Obtained At:
- Civil War in Missouri Facts - http://home.usmo.com/~momollus/MOFACTS.HTM
- Congressional Medal of Honor - http://www.cmohs.org/
- Faces of Valor, Honor the Fallen - http://projects.militarytimes.com/valor/
- Historical Markers Database - http://www.hmdb.org//
- Iraqi Casualties - http://icasualties.org/OEF/USCasualtiesByState.aspx
- Jubilo Emancipation Century - http://jubiloemancipationcentury.wordpress.com/category/monuments/
- Missouri Korean War Casualties - http://www.vetfriends.com/memorial/mem_alphab.cfm?war_id=3&page_id=1&states_id=27
- Missouri Veterans Commission - http://mvc.dps.mo.gov/
- Missouri Vietnam War Casualties - http://www.vetfriends.com/memorial/mem_alphab.cfm?war_id=4&states_ID=27&page_id=1&state=state
- Roads and Riders - http://www.roadsandriders.com
- US World War I Casualty Records - https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/United_States_World_War_I_Casualty_Records
- Waymarking - http://www.waymarking.com/
Counties of Cities/Towns Represented
Missouri Documentation is Listed by Counties and Then by City/Town. To Find A City, Click on the First Letter of the City to be Directed to a List of Cities that Begins With That Letter; CMHR stands for Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients
A 19
Adair County - Kirksville 4
Adair County - Kirksville 4
- Adair County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Memorial Park, North Baltimore St. (Hwy 63); http://www.kirksville.k12.mo.us/veterans_memorial/
- Battle of Kirksville Memorial (Civil War); Dedicated - Unknown; Located 400 Block of East Hickory; http://www.flickr.com/photos/wesh/566183657/
- Civil War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Forest Llewllyn Cemetery, End of West Harrison St.; http://www.adairchs.org/BATTLEOFKVILLE-1-2x.pdf
- Howitzer Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Memorial Park, North Baltimore St. (Hwy 63); http://www.kirksville.k12.mo.us/veterans_memorial/
- World War I - Vietnam Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of Courthouse, 411 Court Street
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1991; Located Fairfax Community Park; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=47490
- Atchison County War Memorial; Dedicated 1970, Located World War I Memorial Bldg, 412 Main Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=48115 also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5AXB_Atchison_County_Memorial_Building_Rock_Port_Missouri
- Atchison County World War I Memorial (Note: This Memorial is a building); Dedicated 1921; Located World War I Memorial Bldg, 412 Main St. http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5AXB_Atchison_County_Memorial_Building_Rock_Port_Missouri
- Atchison County Walk of Honor; Dedicated November 11, 2008; Located 417 S. Main Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=48118
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated April 26, 2003; Located Ardin C. Cox Welcome Center, I-29 exit 110; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Veterans Walk of Honor (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2008; Located 417 Main St. http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5AXE_Atchison_County_Walk_of_Honor_Rock_Port_Missouri
- American Legion Post 510 Veterans Memorial (troop carrier); Located Two miles south of Laddonia on Highway 54/19
- Alumni Wall of Honor; Dedicated September 27, 2010; Located Missouri Military Academy, 204 N. Grand Street; http://www.missourimilitaryacademy.org/alumni/Pages/WallofHonor.aspx
- Audrain County Honor Roll; Located First floor of Courthouse
- Audrain County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.flickr.com/photos/whenlostin/7081739541/
- The Exercise Tiger Memorial; Dedicated 1997; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.exercisetiger.org/
- Missouri Veterans Home Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Home, #1 Veterans Drive
- Veterans War Room Memorial; Located Audrain County Historical Society, Muldrow Street
- Vandalia Veterans Memorial; Located Library Park, Main Street
B 66
Barry County - Cassville 4
Barry County - Cassville 4
- M60A Tank; Dedicated 1992; Located VFW Post
- American Legion Veteran's Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1992; Located front of American Legion Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM50ZT_American_Legion_Veterans_Memorial_Cassville_MO
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1992; Located American Legion Post 118, Highway 112; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62885
- Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated 1992; Located Next to American Legion Post 118, Hwy 112
- 75 MM Howitzer; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Monett City Park
- F4 Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1995; Located Monett City Park, 100 6th Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YK4_F4_Veterans_Memorial_Monett_MO
- Christopher G. Stark Memorial (Afghanistan); Dedicated 2012; Located Monett South Park Walking Trail; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=62712
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Monett City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YAD_Flag_Memorial_Monett_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1995; Located South Lincoln Avenue; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=62806
- Veterans War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Monett City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1DPE_Monett_Veterans_War_Memorial
- Purdy's Veteran's Memorial; Dedicated 2012; Located 3rd Street; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=62800
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated June 13, 1998; Located Highway 5 & 5th Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2YQD_PURDY_VETERANS_MEMORIAL
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated, 2000; Located Lake Park Memorial Cemetery, Hwy 39; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3JTT_IN_HONOR_OF_ALL_Who_Served_in_Defense
- Veterans Memorial; Located Golden City Park
- Barton County Memorial Hospital (World War II); Built 1948; Located 1st & Gulf; http://www.chamberorganizer.com/bartoncounty/mem_bcmhbarton
- Barton County War Memorial; Dedicated October 1, 1910; Located intersection Broadway and 10th Street, County Courthouse; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42302
- Barton County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 11th Street and Gulf Street, Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMAD4Y_Barton_County_Veterans_Memorial_Lamar_MO
- Civil War Memorial/Cannon; Dedicated originally - October 1, 1910; Rededicated October 1, 1985; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMABFA_Civil_War_Memorial_Lamar_MO
- Lamar H.S. Vietnam Memorial flag pole base; Located Lamar High School Stadium, 6th & Walnut
- Legionnaire Memorial; Harry S. Truman birthplace historic site-1009 Truman
- Memorial Hall Building (World War I); Built 1928; Located 11th & Broadway
- Park Shelter & Vietnam Plaque Memorial; Located Lamar City Park, South end of Gulf St.
- Statue of Liberty Replica; Dedicated 1950; Located Intersection of Broadway and 11th Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42304
- Liberal H.S. Memorial Marker; Located Liberal High School, 205 N. Paine
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1976; Located intersection of NW 40th Road and Denton; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63675
- Arnold Post No 46 Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1981; Located Oak Hill Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=46149
- Arnold Post No 46 World War Memorial (World War I); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Oak Hill Cemetery;http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=46144
- Bates County World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1927; Located intersection Ohio and Delaware Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=39870
- Battle of Island Mound Memorial; Dedicated 2012; Located Marth Road, grounds of Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=60581
- Butler Memorial Airport (All Wars); Dedicated 1963; Located near airport entrance; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=39912
- Eugene S. Hurt Chapter 67 DAV Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1987; Located northeast corner of County Courthouse; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=39868
- First Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry; Dedicated 2008; Located intersection Ohio and Delaware Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=54126
- Benton County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 31, 1993; Located Courthouse lawn, 316 Van Buren; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3QWN_Benton_County_Veterans_Memorial
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 14, 2006; Located Harry Truman Dam Visitors Center; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Bollinger County Veterans Memorial Wall (under construction); Located Marble Hill in front of Presbyterian Church
- Bollinger County Veterans Memorial (Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated May 30, 1976; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2CNZ_Bollinger_County_War_Memorial
- Bollinger County Veterans Avenue of Flags; Dedicated 1989; Located Bollinger County Memorial Cemetery, 410 Union Street; http://bcmp.org/history.asp
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 28, 2003; Located Ashland City Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 20, 2006; Located Centralia Cemetery, Highway 22; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Centralia Battle Memorial for Union Soldiers; Dedicated September 27, 2009; Located Centralia Battlefield; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7KC2_Centralia_Battlefield_Memorial_for_Union_Soldiers_Centralia_MO
- Centralia Battle and Massacre Monument; Dedicated June 12, 1957; Located City Park, South Allen & Singleton Street; http://www.civilwaralbum.com/misc13/2010/hohenstein13.jpg
- Centralia Veterans Memorial (All wars); Dedicated May 2006, Located City Park, South Allen and Singleton Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM59W7_Veterans_Memorial_Centralia_MO
- American War Mothers' Monument (World War I); Dedicated October 25, 1930; Located University of Missouri, East side of Memorial Union
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated August 25, 2006; Located Harry Truman VA Hospital, 800 Hospital Drive; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Boone County World War I Memorial; Dedicated May 17, 1923; Located Walnut and Eighth Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3JEQ_Boone_County_World_War_I_Memorial_Columbia_Missouri
- Civil War Memorial; Dedicated 2001; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eight Streets
- Confederate Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eighth Streets
- The Iraq and Afghanistan National War Memorial & Eternal Flame of Valor (Project in Process - http://www.exercisetiger.org/)
- Medal Of Honor Memorial; Located Harry Truman VA Hospital, 800 Hospital Drive
- Memorial Union Tower (World War I); Dedicated 1926; Located Hill Street, University of Missouri Campus; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=59474; also at http://maa.missouri.edu/exhibitions/memorialunion/index.html
- Persian Gulf Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eighth Streets
- Veterans War Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 1991; Located Cosmo Park, Business Loop 70 West
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eighth Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4XCY_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Boone_County_Courthouse_Columbia_MO_USA
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated May 17, 1923; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eighth Streets
- World War I Memorial Tower; Dedicated 1926; Located University of Missouri
- World War II & Korea Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn, Walnut and Eighth Streets
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated April 24, 2010; Located Foristell Road; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Brian Jay Bradbury (Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan); Dedicated - Unknown; Located intersection Francis and 11th Streets; Civic Center Park; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=55835
- SPC Edward "Eddie" Lee Myers Memorial (Operation Iraqi Freedom); Dedicated - Unknown; Located intersection Francis and 11th Street, Civic Center Par; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=55833
- SPC Joshua James "Josh" Munger (Operation Iraqi Freedom); Dedicated - Unknown; Located intersection Francis and 11th Street, Civic Center Park; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=55834
- Statue of Liberty Replica; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Francis Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=55726
- War Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located south grounds of City Hall; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=55835
- Captain James Callaway Monument (War of 1812); Dedicated - Unknown; Located - undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM44H3_Captain_James_Callaway_Monument_Fulton_MO
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 22, 1957; Located Chamber of Commerce/US 67; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Private Billie Gene Kanell Monument, Medal of Honor (Korea); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse Lawn, West Pine Boulevard; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:poplar-bluff-29023&catid=53&Itemid=255; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM49D0_Pvt_Billie_Gene_Kanell_Poplar_Bluff_MO
C 130
Caldwell County - Kidder 2
Caldwell County - Kidder 2
- Kidder - Veterans Memorial; Located Kidder City Park
- Kidder - Veterans Memorial; Located Kidder Cemetery
- Veterans Memorial; Located Auxvasse City Cemetery - North of City on US 54
- Battle of Moore's Mill Marker MO JJ; Located 1/2 Mile south of Calwood
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 10, 2006; Located Memorial Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Spruce Memorial & Plaque; Located VFW Post 2657
- Callaway County Veterans Memorial (Obelisk with names of KIA); Dedicated May 29, 1989; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3RWN_Callaway_County_Veterans_Memorial_Fulton_Missouri
- Callaway County Memorial Park (World War I); Dedicated 1922; Located Court and West 2nd Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM530F_Callaway_County_Memorial_Park_Fulton_MO
- Capt. James Callaway Monument (War of 1812); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; Callaway County named after Capt. Callaway; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4VMX_Captain_James_Callaway_Fulton_MO
- Howitzer Memorial (155 Howitzer & Granite Marker); Dedicated May 26, 1997; Located South end of Court Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HNG_Veterans_Memorial_Fulton_MO
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 26, 1997; Located 2nd and Court Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HNG_Veterans_Memorial_Fulton_MO
- Veterans section of cemetery; Located Callaway Memorial Gardens Cemetery-South Business 54
- War Plaques; Located First Floor Hallway of Courthouse, 10 East 5th Street
- Confederate Massacre Memorial (Brown Farm Massacre); Located Pleasant Grove Cemetery
- Blue Star Marker; Located Heart of America Tourism Center, I-70 & Hwy 54
- Missouri Civil War Marker; Located Heart of America Tourism Center, I-70 & Hwy 54
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 11, 2004; Located Ha Ha Tonka State Park Welcome Center; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- County Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- County Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- Tank Memorial; Located VFW Post 5923, 65 VFW Drive
- Memorial to the Wall; Located Linn Creek Park
- Macks Creek Veterans Memorial; Located Macks Creek Cemetery, southwest of Macks Creek on Hwy W, turn north on Cemetery Road
- Korean War Memorial
- American Legion Memorial; Located American Legion Post 624, 852 American Legion Road
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 21, 2007; Located Missouri Veterans Home; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Confederate War Memorial; Dedicated 1931; Located Common Pleas Courthouse; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_War_Memorial
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Common Pleas Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2DCE_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Common_Pleas_Courthouse_Grounds_Cape_Girardeau_Missouri
- Brookside Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Brookside Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2CGQ_Brookside_Veterans_Memorial_Jackson_Missouri
- Veteran's Memorial Fountain (All Wars); Dedicated 1962; Located Cape Giradeau Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2CFY_Veterans_Memorial_Fountain_Jackson_Missouri
- William L. Jeffers Monument (Mexican War, Civil War); Dedicated - Unknown; Located entrance Johnson Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2CGG_William_Jeffers_Jackson_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1918; Located Cape Giradeau Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2CFM_World_War_I_Memorial_Jackson_Missouri
- World War Memorial; Dedicated 1932; Located Main Street (Traffic Triangle); http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4ECH_World_War_Memorial_Carrollton_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated August 9, 1990; Located 2nd and Walnut Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4F7V_Veterans_Memorial_Norborne_MO
- Carter County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea); Dedicated 1920; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4C1F_Carter_County_Veterans_Memorial_Van_Buren_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Located Archie City Park
- Belton Cemetery Veteran Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located West Cambridge and South Scott Avenue; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBQ9E_Belton_Cemerety_Veteran_Memorial_Belton_Mo
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2004; Located 611 Chestnut Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=50860
- Veterans Memorial; Located A.C. Smith City Park, near community building
- Veterans Memorial; Located Freeman Cemetery, County Road 2 north of town
- Veterans Memorial
- Blue Star Marker (World War I); Dedicated November 11, 2007; Located North Commercial Street & Locust; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Burnt District Monument (Civil War); Dedicated April 26, 2009; Located Cass County Justice Center, 2501 W. Wall; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=20318
- Lest We Forget Korea Tablet (Part of Blue Star Marker); Dedicated June 4, 1988; Located Veteran's Memorial Park, North Commercial; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6DG0_Lest_We_Forget_Veterans_Memorial_Harrisonville_Mo
- Lest We Forget Vietnam Tablet (Part of Blue Star Marker); Dedicated June 4, 1988; Located Veteran's Memorial Park, North Commercial; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6DG0_Lest_We_Forget_Veterans_Memorial_Harrisonville_Mo
- Memorial Field & Monument; Located Harrisonville Stadium, 601 S. Highland
- Veterans Memorial; Located Orient Cemetery, Hwy 7 east out of town, turn on E. Elm, on left
- Veterans Memorial; Oakland Cemetery, Hwy 7 east of Hwy 71, turn north on Oakland
- World War I Doughboy Memorial; Dedicated 1929; Located Courthouse Square, 2501 W. Wall Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5GE8_World_War_Veterans_Monument_Harrisonville_Missouri
- Colonel Hiram Bledsoe Memorial; Located Gazebo Park across from Old Depot on 1st Street
- Defenders of Freedom Veterans Memorial; Dedicated July 29, 2006; Located Locust Street on the North, and Veterans Parkway on the West, and East Commercial Street on the SE (Form a triangle around the Memorial); http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WME4EY_Defenders_of_Freedom_Veterans_Memorial
- Veterans Memorial; Located Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 1501 N. Hwy 7
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1972; Located El Dorado Spring Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=57337
- Veterans Memorial; Located Elliot Grove Cemetery, north of town on Herring St.
- Chariton County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 1985; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6XX6_Chariton_County_Veterans_Memorial_Keytesville_MO
- General Sterling Price Monument (Mexican-American and Civil Wars); Dedicated 1915; Located Keytesville City Park (Price Park)
- Marceline Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1996; Located Kansas Avenue, Ripley Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6K3C_Marceline_Veterans_Memorial_Marceline_MO
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hwy 11 South side of Mendon; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6G8X_World_War_II_Memorial_Mendon_MO
- Battle of Dug Springs Historical Marker (Civil War); Dedicated October 7, 2008; Located West end of parking lot of the Middle School, 401 Inman St.
- Christian County Veterans Memorial (All Veterans); Dedicated November 11, 1992, Rededicated November 11, 2001; Located across from courthouse, 2nd Avenue & Elm Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4VDY_Christian_County_Veterans_Memorial_Ozark_MO
- Living Memorial Stone/Plaque (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 1958; Located near Springfield Nature Center; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM53YQ_Living_Memorial_Park_Springfield_Missouri
- Pearl Harbor Memorial; August 8, 1992; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/POW
- POW/MIA Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Missouri Sate Veterans Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YK3_POW_MIA_Memorial_Missouri_State_Veterans_Cemetery_Springfield_MO_USA
- Springfield National Cemetery American Revolution War Memorial; Dedicated 1999; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCZPW_Springfield_National_Cemetery_Revolutionary_War_Memorial_Springfield_Missouri
- Union Memorial; Dedicated 2003; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMD03R_Union_Memorial_Springfield_Missouri
- Union Memorial; Dedicated 1907; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCZPB_Union_Memorial_Springfield_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated after 2010; Located Springfield Memorial Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YK0_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Missouri_Veterans_Cemetery_Springfield_MO_USA
- Vietnam War Memorial Plaque; Dedicated 1979; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMD0AE_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Springfield_National_Cemetery_Springfield_Mo_USA
- World War II Prisoner of War Camp/Pythian Home of Missouri; National Register 1993; Located - Undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCZCP_Pythian_Home_of_Missouri_POW_Internment_Facility_Springfield_Missouri
- Roswell B. Sayre Memorial; Dedicated 1919; Located Sayre Memorial Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4A7V_Roswell_B_Sayre_Clark_MO
- Clark County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Clark County Courthouse, 111 East Court Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8BZD_Clark_County_Veterans_Memorial_Kahoka_MO
- County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 16, 1987; Located N. Jackson Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7DVW_County_Veterans_Memorial_Kahoka_MO
- American Legion Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 1999; Located American Legion Post 236; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WME727_Memorial_in_Excelsior_Springs
- American War Mothers Memorial Fountain (World War 1); Dedicated June 1, 1942; Located 2000 E. Meyer Boulevard
- Clay County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 2003; Located Anita Gorman Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3NVJ_Sovereign_Wings_Clay_County_Veterans_Memorial
- Citizen Soldier Memorial Fountain and Statue; Dedicated October 2001; Located 3300 Broadway
- Liberty Memorial (World War I); Dedicated November 1, 1921; Located 100 W 26th
- Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial; Dedicated September 2011; Located Pershing and Main Streets
- Unknown Confederate Gravesite Monument; Dedicated 1911; Located Union Cemetery
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1986; Located 43rd and Broadway
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fountain; Located Broadway & W. 41st Street
- American Legion Memorial; Located American Legion Post 95
- Civil War Memorial; Dedicated 1931; Located near entrancte to Grand River Chapel/ William Jewell College; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=45555
- Clay County Revolutionary Patriots Memorial; Located Clay County Courthouse (Rooney Justice Center)
- Confederate Soldier Sculpture; Dedicated 1904; Located Fairview Cemetery, Terrence & Shrader St
- Ex-Confederate Association Memorial (Civil War); Located Fairview Cemetery, Terrence & Shrader St
- Jewell Hall Marker (Civil War); Located William Jewell College, 500 College Hill
- Lest We Forget World War I Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1921; Located Clay County Courthouse (Rooney Justice Center); http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4C1F_Carter_County_Veterans_Memorial_Van_Buren_MO
- Mass Grave of Unmarked Burials; Located William Jewell College, 500 College Hill
- The Trenches Marker; Located William Jewell College, 500 College Hill
- Veterans Memorial; Located City Park
- Veterans Memorial Fountain; Located Cameron High School
- Veterans Memorial; Located McCorkle Park, downtown Cameron
- Veterans Memorial; Located City Park
- Blue Star Marker; Located Southbound I-35 Rest area
- Veterans Memorial; Located Lathrop Cemetery
- Clinton County Veterans Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- 62nd and 65th US Colored Infantries Memorial Park; Dedicated 2007; Located Lincoln University; http://jubiloemancipationcentury.wordpress.com/category/monuments/; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62284
- Battle of Centralia Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Jefferson City National Cemetery, 1024 East McCarty Street
- Blue Star Marker; Missouri Blvd West of intersection with Stadium Drive
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 8, 2008; Located Memorial Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 14, 1953; Located five miles west on Jefferson City on US 50; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Jefferson City High School Veterans Memorial; Located Jefferson City High School, Marvin Fleming Fieldhouse
- Missouri Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located State Capitol grounds; http://www.ohwy.com/mo/m/movemejc.htm
- Mosby M. Parsons Monument (Civil War); Dedicated 2009; Located Riverview Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6X7R_Mosby_M_Parsons_Monument_in_Riverview_Cemetery
- Replica of the Statue of Liberty; Dedicated 1950; Located State Capitol grounds; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62315
- Revolutionary War Plaque; Dedicated 1918; Located State Capitol, first floor museum; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3BVG_Revolutionary_War_Memorial_in_the_MO_State_Capital
- Spanish-American Memorial Monument; Dedicated 1963; Located Blue Star Memorial Roadside park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM927A_Spanish_American_Memorial_Monument_Jefferson_City_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1920; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMFV7_Cole_County_War_Memorial_Jefferson_City_MO
- Blackwater - Hero's Park & Rest Area (Dedicated to all wars); Located Highway K toward I-70 on right side of K
- Blackwater Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 2001; Located Main Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=44105
- Blue Star Marker; Located Westbound I-70 Rest Area
- Boonville Veterans Memorial, Dedicated October 5, 2004; Located Main and High Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=45856
- Civil War Monument; Dedicated 1931; Located Cooper County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMA6ZP_Civil_War_Monument_Boonville_MO
- Cooper County Veterans Memorial (Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH4JJ_Cooper_County_Veterans_Memorial_Boonville_Mo
- Cooper County World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 200 N. Main; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH4DR_Cooper_County_WWI_Memorial_Boonville_Mo
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Walnut Hill Cemetery
- Replica of the Statue of Liberty; Dedicated 1950; Located Main Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=45866
- Veterans Memorial; Located Boonville cemeteries (Locations unknown at this time)
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated October 5, 2004; Located bridge over the Missouri River; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM14CE_Boonville_MO_Veterans_Memorial
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 20, 1950, rededicated May 7, 2006; Located 2 miles east on old US 50 at Brownfield Roadside Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- World War I Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 2 miles east on old US 50 at Brownfield Roadside Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4M3K_World_War_I_Memorial_Otterville_MO
- World War I & Vietnam Wall of Honor; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Korea-Persian Gulf Veterans Memorial
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 12, 1954; Located I-44 Leasburg exit; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Battle of Leasburg Marker; Located MO-H, turnout, N. limits of Leasburg
- American Legion Memorial Plaque; Located Wall inside Steelville Community Center & Post home
- Artillery Memorial; Located Old Steelville City Park
- Peter Matthews Revolutionary War Memorial; Located Steelville Cemetery
- Crawford County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1950; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3TYP_Crawford_County_Veterans_Memorial_Steelville_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Military Avenue; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63675
D 23
Dade County - Everton 1
Dade County - Everton 1
- Memorial Gazebo; Dedicated 1921; Located Church and Commercial Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMAMCW_Memorial_Gazebo_Everton_MO
- Dade County Veterans Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- Red Top Veterans Memorial; Located Red Top Missionary Baptist church, 9 miles South of Buffalo, MO on Hwy 65 to TT, then 2 miles west to Cassity Road
- Reynolds Veterans Memorial; Located Reynolds Cemetery, 4.5 mi. northwest of Buffalo on Reynolds Road
- Dallas County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62542
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- Urbana - Pleasant Ridge Veterans Memorial; Located Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, approx. 3 mi. southwest of Urbana on Hwy HH
- Urbana - Mission Ridge Veterans Memorial; Located Mission Ridge Baptist Church, about 1 mile south on Mission Ridge Road
- Daviess County Veterans Memorial Walk of Honor; Dedicated 2004; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5CXP_Daviess_County_Veterans_Walk_of_Honor_and_Civil_War_Cannon_Gallatin_Missouri
- World War II Memorial; Located Clarksdale City Park
- DeKalb County Veterans Memorial (Black granite honoring all who served from county); Located Courthouse lawn
- Osborn Cemetery World War I Memorial; Located South of town on Highway M (Clinton Road)
- A metal plaque to honor the hero dead in World War II (It pays homage to ten students who "gave the last full measure of devotion to their country" and lists their names); Located on wall at Stewartsville High School.
- American Legion Marker; Located American Legion Building on Highway K
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 7, 2004; Located American Legion Post 508; Blue Star Marker; Located American Legion Post 508
- City Park Memorial Plaque & Flag; Located Stewartsville City Park
- Union Star Veterans Honor Roll (Five panels stand in a semi circle and list the names of Union Star area veterans of all wars, dating back to the Civil War); Located entrance to Union Star's Community Park on Highway 169.
- Dent County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated July 4, 1992; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4F81_Dent_County_Veterans_Memorial_Salem_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Located Ava Cemetery, Corner of Jefferson St & 15th Ave.
- "Reflections" Vietnam pictures; Ava County Clerk Office
- American Legion Memorial; Located Samuel T. Adams Post 66-1st Street
- Dunklin County Veterans Memorial (Lists names of KIA/MIA from WWI-Vietnam, erected by MO Nat Guard 1137th MP); Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54:kennett-29069&catid=53&Itemid=255
- American Legion Veterans Memorial; Located front of City Hall, 301 W. Commercial
F 12
Franklin County - Labadie 1
Franklin County - Labadie 1
- George Phillips Memorial (CMOH); Located Bethel Cemetery, Hwy T 2 mi west of town
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1987; Located American Legion Post 347, near intersection of Highway 30 and Commercial Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YTH_Vietnam_War_Memorial_American_Legion_Post_St_Clair_MO_USA
- World War I & World War II Memorial; Located City Hall, 210 W. Washington
- Korean-Persian Gulf Memorial; Located City Hall, 210 W. Washington
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated April 20, 1962; Located North side of US 50 and Koelling Avenue; Blue Star Marker; Located North side of US 50 and Koelling Ave
- Franklin County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1994; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM43T1_Franklin_County_Veterans_Memorial_Union_MO
- Franklin County Honor Roll; Located First floor of Courthouse
- Korean War Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1995; Located Krog Park, 5th & Hancock Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2EV9_Washington_Missouri_Korean_War_Memorial
- Washington Memorial Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located W. 2nd and High Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4P38_Washington_Memorial_Park_Washington_MO
- Washington Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Krog Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2EVG_Washington_Mo_Veterans_Memorial_in_Krog_Park
- World War I Honor Roll; Located City Park Entrance, W. 2nd St. & High St
- World War II Honor Roll; Located City Park Entrance, W. 2nd St. & High St
G 39
Gasconade County - Hermann 8
Gasconade County - Hermann 8
- City Cemetery Memorial; Located City Cemetery
- Owensville - Dwight D. Eisenhower Ash Tree; Located Gasconade County Museum, 105 West McFadden
- Owensville - VFW Memorial; Located VFW Post 6133, 6th St & West Jefferson
- Veterans Plaque; Located near city pond
- Veterans Memorial; Located Memorial Gardens Cemetery
- World War II Plaque; Located Flagpole at the baseball field in the park
- World War II Roll of Honor; Dedicated 1944; Located Park north of City Hall, Market and 2nd Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3R6D_Hermann_Honor_Roll_Hermann_MO
- World War II Veterans Memorial; Located near firehouse
- Wilbur O. Bledsoe, Theodore J. Bulas Memorials (World War II); Dedicated 1988; Located VFW Post 6133 parking lot; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3RFX_Wilbur_O_Bledsoe_Theodore_J_Bulas; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3RFR_Veterans_Memorial_Owensville_MO
- 128th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Gentry County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BQ9_128th_Armored_Field_Artillery_Battalion_Memorial_Albany_Missouri
- Battle of Albany Marker
- Gentry County Korean War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located - Undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BR0_Gentry_County_Korean_War_Memorial_Albany_Missouri
- Gentry County Over the Top Memorial (World War I); Dedicated 1926; Located Gentry County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BRN_Gentry_County_Over_the_Top_Albany_Missouri
- Gentry County World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Gentry County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BR4_Gentry_County_World_War_II_Memorial_Albany_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Gentry County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BR6_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Gentry_County_Courthouse_Albany_Missouri
- Georld War II Marine Memorial; Located Naval Reserve Building, 1110 N Fremont Ave
- Missouri State Guard Memorial; Dedicated 2001; Located Civil War Museum grounds/Wilson Creek National Battlefield; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=61751
- Boegel & Hine (Wommack) Mill Bridge (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Fair Grove's Historic District; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMGW87_Boegel_Hine_Wommack_Mill_Bridge_Fair_Grove_Missouri
- Armed Forces Memorial; Dedicated 1997; Located Evergreen Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63004
- Bailey Monument (Union Memorial); Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole
- Battle of Wilson's Creek Memorial; Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole
- General Nathaniel Greene Portrait; Located Second floor rotunda, Courthouse, 940 Boonville
- General Nathaniel Lyon Memorial; Dedicated 1871; Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM9FA8_Nathaniel_Lyon_Civil_War_Union_General
- General Sterling Price Monument; Dedicated 1901; Located Springfield National Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM9FCG_STERLING_PRICE_Civil_War_General_CSA
- Korean War Memorial; Located Missouri State University, northwest corner of Plaster Sports Complex
- Living Memorial Park; Located 4405 S. Glenstone Ave.
- Pearl Harbor Survivors Memorial; Dedicated 1992; Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62843
- Revolutionary War Memorial; Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole
- Revolutionary War Plaque; Located First floor rotunda, courthouse, 940 Boonville
- Unknown Confederate Dead Memorial; Located Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole
- USS Nathanael Greene; Dedicated 2004; Located Nathanael Green Park grounds; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=39147
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located White Chapel Memorial Gardens grounds; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62869
- Veterans Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery, 5201 S. Southwood
- Vietnam Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery, 5201 S. Southwood
- Vietnam POW/MIA Memorial; Dedicated March 31, 1990; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCYKX_Greene_County_POW_MIA_Memorial_Springfield_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated 1999; Located grounds American legion Post 639; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=39153
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1924; Located Grant Beach Park, 1300 North Grant Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=43128
- Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch (World War I); Dedicated 1920; Located Moberly Park, 18th and Tindall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH0Q2_Soldiers_and_Sailors_Memorial_Arch_Trenton_Missouri
- Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Civil War); Dedicated 1915; Located Grundy County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH123_Monument_to_Union_Soldiers_and_Sailors_Trenton_Missouri
H 34
Harrison County - Bethany 9
Howard County - New Franklin 3
Harrison County - Bethany 9
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Miriam Cemetery, 12th Street (Hwy W)
- General Benjamin Prentiss Memorial; Located Miriam Cemetery, 12th Street (Hwy W)
- Harrison County Honor Roll; Located First floor of Courthouse
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1957; Located Miriam Cemetery, 12th Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=20984
- Veterans Memorial; Located Morris Chapel Cemetery, 5 miles north on US 69
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1957; Located 100F Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6TZ5_IOOF_Cemetery_Veterans_Memorial_Bethany_Mo
- Memorial Park; Located 1901 Miller St
- Mt. Moriah - Veterans Memorial; Located Lloyd Cemetery (Stoner Cemetery), north on Route B approximately one mile to the first gravel road to the left (wet). Go west approximately 1/2 mile.
- World War II Memorial; Located VFW Hall, 801 S. 12th Street
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 11, 2008; Located Clinton Community Center, 1004 E. Sedalia Avenue; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Confederate Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- They Stood Tall (Civil War); Dedicated 2002; Loctaed Historic Downtown Clinton Square; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMFB20_Civl_War_Monument_Clinton_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial Park (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 1999; Located 2nd and B Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM510Z_Veterans_Memorial_Park_Deepwater_MO
- Windsor - Flagpole Memorial; Located 104 Franklin St.
- Hickory County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1949; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM40WB_Hickory_County_Veterans_Memorial_Hermitage_MO
- T-SGT Kenneth Breshears, PFC Wm. Clarence Breshears Memorial (World War II); Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Washington Avenue and South Gentry Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4M4E_Breshears_Memorial_Weaubleau_Memorial_Park_Weaubleau_MO
- Weaubleau Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Washington Avenue and South Gentry Street; Weaubleau
- Veterans Memorial; Located Mount Hope Cemetery
- African-American Veterans of Howard County; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse Lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8K6W_Howard_County_African_American_Veterans_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- Christopher Frederick Burckhartt Memorial (War of 1812); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Howard County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8K6N_Christopher_Frederick_Burckhartt_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- George Frederick Burckhartt Memorial (War of 1812); Dedicated October 9, 1931; Located Howard County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8K6R_George_Frederick_Burckhartt_Fayette_Missouri
- Howard County American Revolution Memorial; Dedicated June 1936; Located Howard County Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8K69_Howard_County_Revolutionary_War_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- Howard County Honor Roll; Located Courthouse lobby
- Howard County Veterans Memorial (World War I - World War II); Dedicated November 11, 1986; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8JYX_Howard_County_Veterans_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Central Methodist University; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8H6Z_Central_Methodist_World_War_I_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated 1923; Located Central Methodist College, Church Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8H6Z_Central_Methodist_World_War_I_Memorial_Fayette_Missouri
- Battle of Glasgow Civil War Marker; Located Glasgow Ferry shelter house
- Civil War Cannon & Union Flag; Located Lewis Library
- Fayette - DAR/War of 1812; Located Courthouse law
- Glasgow School District Veterans Memorial; Dedicated September 18, 1999; Located Missouri River overlook; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8Q7T_Glasgow_School_District_Veterans_Memorial_Glasgow_Missouri
Howard County - New Franklin 3
- New Franklin Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 16, 2003; Located City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8GV5_New_Franklin_Veterans_Memorial_New_Franklin_Missouri; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=46929
- Roanoke - Shelby's Homecoming Confederate Memorial
- VFW Glasgow Area KIA Memorial; Located Glasgow Ferry shelter house
- West Plains Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 27, 2002; Located West Plains Park, US 63; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59:west-plains-29091&catid=53&Itemid=255
I 10
Iron County - Annapolis 1
Iron County - Annapolis 1
- Annapolis Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Center Street & East 2nd; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4EVQ_Veterans_Memorial_Annapolis_MO
- Arcadia Battle of Pilot Knob, Fort Curtis marker; Located Fort Hill Church, Church St. & Spring St.
- Battle of Pilot Knob - Russelville Junction skirmish marker; Located Hwy 72 & Thompson Road
- Battle of Pilot Knob/Montgomery's Battery markers; Located Courthouse lawn
- Iron County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1969; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1PFJ_Iron_County_Veterans_Memorial_Ironton_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Battle of Pilot Knob - Knob Creek marker; Located Intersection of Hwy 21 & Hwy V
- Battle of Pilot Knob - Pilot Knob Mountain marker; Located Intersection of Main St. & Hwy V (221)
- Fort Davidson Battlefield, Markers, and Monuments; Located Hwy V
- World War II Memorial; Located Shoal Creek Church & Cemetery - Highway Y near Viburnum
J 100
Jackson County - Blue Springs 1
Jackson County - Blue Springs 1
- Morgan Walker Farm and Cemetery Memorial Marker; Located "Pink Hill Road & 7 Highway-James Lewis School Property, about 30-40 yards from the school building"
- Veterans Memorial for Atherton, Buckner, Levasy, & Sibley MO; Located Southeast corner of Hwy 24 & Hudson
- Order No. 11 Marker; Located Old City Hall Annex (has been demolished-unsure if plaque remains)
- 1st Battle of Independence, Driving Tour Marker - Civil War; (Location Unknown)
- 2nd Battle of Independence, Driving Tour Marker - Civil War; (Location Unknown)
- 2nd Colorado Cavalry Memorial; Located Woodlawn Cemetery, 701 S. Nolan
- Battle of the Little Blue, Driving Tour Marker; (Location Unknown)
- Charles Long Memorial Park- CMOH Korean War; Located 9300 E. Truman
- Confederate Graves Memorial; Dedicated 1924; Located Woodlawn Cemetery, 701 S. Nolan; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMDPQD_Confederate_Memorial_Woodlawn_Cemetery_Independence_Mo
- Daughters of the Confederacy Memorial; Located Woodlawn Cemetery, 701 S. Nolan
- Independence Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located West Maple Avenue; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=34854
- John Taylor Hughes (MAY BE GRAVE NOT MONUMENT); Located Woodlawn Cemetery, 701 S. Nolan
- Ledstone Noland Memorial (LOCATED IN FRONT OF GRAVE); Pitcher Cemetery, Pitcher Road & Blue Ridge Cutoff/Blvd
- Pearl Harbor Memorial; Dedicated 1995; Located Truman Library; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6J69_Pearl_Harbor_Independence_MO
- Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial; Located Old Jackson County Courthouse, Independence Square Courthouse foyer
- SPC Joel Lin Bertoldie Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Truman Memorial Building Courtyard; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMEEVC_SPC_Joel_Lin_Bertoldie
- Truman Library Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated December 21, 1984; Located Harry S. Truman Library and Museum Courtyard; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=44324
- Truman Memorial Building (formerly Soldiers & Sailros Memorial Building); Located Truman & Pleasant Street
- USS Frank E. Evans Memorial; Dedicated September 22, 2006; Located Mount Washington Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5Z09_USS_Frank_E_Evans_Memorial_Mount_Washington_Cemetery_Independence_MO_USA
- War Memorial; Located Outside gates of Mt. Washington Cemetery on triangular lot at Hwy 24 and Brookside
- Woodlawn Cemetery Memorial; Dedicated 1940; Located 701 South Noland Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMDNK7_Woodlawn_Cemetery_Memorial_Independence_Mo
- American Legion Fountain (World War I); Dedicated 1921; Located Budd Park, 4925 Saint John Ave.; Myer Street Entrance of Swope Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG80Y_American_Legion_Memorial_Kansas_City_Mo
- Abraham Lincoln & Tad Monument; Located Kansas City City Hall, 414 E. 12th Street
- Battle of Westport Grand Army of the Republic Monument; Located 63rd and the Paseo
- Battle of Westport Monument; Located Loose Park, North of the Rose Garden ajacent to 52nd Street
- Civil War & Battle of Westport Cannons and Marker; Located Loose Park
- Civil War Cannon; Dedicated August 22, 1899; Located 4800 E. 63rd Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMEEB2_Old_Spanish_Cannon
- Confederate Prisoners Memorial; Located Union Cemetery, 227 E. 28th Terrace
- Fitzsimons-Battenfield Monument (World War I); Located Southwest corner of The Paseo & Volker Blvd. (Hwy 56)
- George Washington Memorial; Located Pershing & Grand north of Liberty Memorial
- In Memory of Our Confederate Dead; Dedicated 1902; Located southeast corner of Forest Hill Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM82Z8_In_Memory_of_our_Confederate_Dead_Kansas_City_Mo; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=26593
- Jewish Soldiers World War II Monument; Located Sheffield Cemetery, 6200 Wilson Road
- Korean War Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2011; Located Washington Square Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMEEAF_Missouri_Korean_War_Veterans_Memorial; also at http://www.archdaily.com/199276/missouri-korean-war-veterans-memorial-tilt-up-concrete-association/
- Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic Battle of Westport Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 63rd and the Paseo
- Liberty Memorial (World War I); Dedicated 1934; Located Grand & Pershing; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=50845
- Liberty Memorial Dedication Site; November 1, 1921; Located Pershing Drive; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=44366
- Lieutenant Joseph Boggs; Dedicated 1965; Located Union Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63145
- Loyal Women of the Old South Memorial; Located 55th and Ward Parkway
- Meyer Circle Gateway - Avenue of Trees (World War I); Located Meyer Blvd & Ward Parkway, south fo Seahorse Fountain
- Murray Davis World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1928; Located 40th & Main; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=64124
- Muse of Missouri Fountain - placed in honor of David Woods Kemper, KIA World War II; Dedicated 1963; Located Main Street between 8th & 9th streets; http://www.kcfountains.com/fountains/details.php?photo=13
- Order No. 11 Marker; Located 4th and Delaware; http://mocivilwar150.com/attraction/141
- Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection Relief Expedition Monument; Dedicated 1947; Located 29th & Wyandotte road; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=61146
- Union Prison Collapse Marker; Located 14th and Grand (Sprint Center); http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42056
- United Daughters of the Confederacy Battle of Westport Memorial; Located Forest Hill Cemetery, 6901 Troost Ave.
- Veterans Memorial Flag; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Union Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63025
- VFW Memorial; Dedicated October 5, 2001; Located VFW Centennial Plaza; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM329C_VFW_Centennial_Plaza_Kansas_City_Missouri
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and Fountain; Dedicated December 16, 1985; Located Broadway & 42nd to 43rd Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5Z02_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Vietnam_Veterans_Park_Kansas_City_MO_USA
- William Bland Memorial; Dedicated November 7, 1936; Located East side of Gillham Rd. & 42nd St. - to be moved to Memorial Hill Park; http://kcparks.org/attraction/bland-mjr-william-j-memorial-2/
- William Fitzsimons Memorial Fountain (World War I); Dedicated 1922; Located South end of The Terrace at 12th and The Paseo; http://www.kcfountains.com/fountains/details.php?photo=10
- Women's Relief Corps Memorial Bowl (Civil War); Dedicated May 30, 1911; Located Elmwood Cemetery, 4900 Truman Road; http://www.suvcwmo.org/Monuments%20Forms%20PDFS%20Completed/Jackson%20Co/womens%20relief%20corps%20memorial%20bowl%20at%20elwood%20cemetery.pdf
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 6, 1954; Located Little Blue Valley Roadside Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- All Veterans Fountain; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 228 SE Main; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WME56T_All_Veterans_Memorial_Lees_Summit_Misssouri
- Confederate Monument; Located Lone Jack Civil War Battlefield, 301 S. Bynum Rd.
- Order No 11 Six Man Massacre Burial Site and Memorial; Located 15024 Outer Belt Road (privately owned)
- Union Monument; Located Lone Jack Civil War Battlefield, 301 S. Bynum Rd.
- Van Buren Township World War II Casualties Memorial; Located Lone Jack Civil War Battlefield, 301 S. Bynum Rd.
- Oak Grove Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Oak Grove Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBKHZ_Oak_Grove_Missouri_Veterans_Memorial
- Fort Osage Soldiers Memorial; Located Sibley Cemetery, just south of the Fort Osage Education Center
- Sugar Creek Veteran's Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Kentucky and Carlisle Avenues; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM85CT_Sugar_Creek_Veterans_Memorial_Sugar_Creek_Mo
- Battle of Carthage Memorial; Dedicated 1905; Located Carter Park; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=37145; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WME61X_Battle_of_Carthage
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 10, 1956; Located Northeast of Carthage on Old US 66 at Spring River Roadside Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Carthage Memorial Hall; Located 407 S. Garrison
- Charles P. Wood/Spanish American War Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- GAR Monument (Civil War); Dedicated 1906; Located center of Park Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM897Z_Park_Cemetery_GAR_Monument_Carthage_Mo
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Memorial Hall grounds; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=61171
- Veterans Wall of Honor; Located Park Cemetery, 801 S Baker Boulevard
- Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Central Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3XWV_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Central_Park_Carthage_Missouri_USA
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Missouri Southern State University
- Joplin Korean War and Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1973; Located Memorial Hall, 212 W. 8th Street;http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=35057 .
- Memorial Hall Building (Dedicated to World War I); Located 212 W. 8th St
- Spanish American War Memorial; Located Memorial Hall, 212 W. 8th St.
- World War I Memorial; Located Memorial Hall, 212 W. 8th St.
- World War I Memorial; Located Osborn Memorial Cemetery, 1200 Maiden Lane
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated 1947; Located Memorial Hall, 212 W. 8th Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=35047
- Cave Spring Cemetery Memorial; Dedicated October 3, 2009; Located North entrance to Cave Springs Cemetery
- Sarcoxie Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Park, Center & 6th Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=43060
- Military Order of the Purple Heart (All Wars); Dedicated November 2003; Located Ball Avenue; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=37234
- Number 1 Gun (All Wars); Dedicated July 29, 2000; Located 415 5th Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=37298
- Veterans Memorial of Timeless Honor (All Wars); Dedicated 2002; Located Mount Hope Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=37195
- Web City Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 1956; Located Memorial Park; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=37384
- Sgt. Brandon Lee Wallace Memorial Bench; Located City park, Park Drive & 15th St.
- Blue Star Memorial Highway (Korean War); Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located near 38th Parallel; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1W83_Korean_War_Memorial_Highway_Mo_Hwy_21_De_Soto_Missouri
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Washington State Park, west of De Soto on Hwy 21; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Battle of Big River Bridge/Battle of Blackwell Marker; Located Hwy 21 south out of De Soto, turn at Perkins Road/Vineland Rd onto Vineland, then on south on Wilson Hollow Rd. follow to end
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 12, 1953; Located One mile north on US 67 at Austin-Pitcairn roadside park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Traveling Wall Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf, Iraq); Dedicated October 7, 2006; Located West City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1VAY_The_Wall_Veterans_Memorial
- Herculaneum Amvets Post #42 Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located front of Herculaneum City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM52NZ_Herculaneum_Amvets_Post_42_Veterans_Memorial
- Korean War Memorial
- Jefferson County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1984; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM19Q7_Jefferson_County_Veterans_Memorial_1984_Hillsboro_Missouri
- POW/MIA Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post #283; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMA1YH_POW_MIA_American_Legion_Post_283_Imperial_MO_USA
- De Soto American Legion Plaque; Located De Soto Railroad Employees Memorial, Fountain City Road & Main St.
- Blue Star Marker; Located Powell Gardens,1609 N.W. U.S. Highway 50
- 20th Century Memorial; Located Sunset Hill Cemetery, Business 50-west side of town
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 1300 Veterans Road; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Confederate Memorial; Located Sunset Hill Cemetery, Business 50-west side of town
- Johnson County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated April 22, 1967; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1JK3_Johnson_County_Veterans_Memorial_Warrensburg_Missouri
- John Barkley CMOH Plaque; Located 1st Floor of Courthouse
- Union Memorial; Located Sunset Hill Cemetery, Business 50-west side of town
- Veterans Memorial; Located Grover Memorial Park, Commander Drive & E. Gay St.
Knox County - Edina 2
Knox County - Edina 2
- Knox County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1987; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4NCG_Knox_County_Veterans_Memorial_Edina_MO
- World War II Honor Roll; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located On Hwy 15 in Plevna; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4KYA_Veterans_Memorial_Plevna_MO
L 67
Laclede County - Laclede 2
Laclede County - Laclede 2
- 515 Eng Co (PL) (CS) Desert Storm Memorial; Dedicated May 4, 1991; Located Laclede County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCXDX_515_Eng_Co_PL_CS_Desert_Storm_Memorial_Lebanon_Missouri
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated 1951; Located Grove and Cole Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6H4D_World_War_II_Memorial_Laclede_MO
- 515th Engineer Company, "Stormin' Norman Pipeline (Operation Desert Storm), Dedicated May 4, 1991; Located Courthouse Lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3VA8_515th_Engineer_Company_Lebanon_MO
- Civic Center Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2002; Located Cowan Civic Center; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3TYD_Civic_Center_Veterans_Memorial_Lebanon_MO
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Gasconade Park, intersection of 4th St & Van Buren Ave.
- Laclede County Veterans Memorial; Located VFW Post 4107, Hwy 5 North
- Veterans Memorial; Located Mt. Rose Memorial Cemetery, South Jefferson (Highway 5)
- Veterans Memorial; Located Lebanon Cemetery, Hwy 5 North
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4DTF_Veterans_Memorial_Alma_MO
- Civil War Casualties Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, E. 1st Street;
- Concordia Massacre Marker; Located Central Park, S. Main St. & SE 6th St.
- Replica of the Statue of Liberty; Dedicated 1950; Located Gordon and SW 7th Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=43987
- St. Pauls Lutheran Church Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1952; Located St. Paul's cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM58H8_St_Pauls_Lutheran_Church_Memorial_Concordia_MO
- Veterans Memorial (Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I); Dedicated 1923; Located Central Park, S. Main & SE 6th Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=43985
- Veterans War Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm); Dedicated 1989; Located Main and SW 7th Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=43978
- World War I Doughboy Memorial; Dedicated 1923; Located Central Park, S. Main Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4FWR_Doughboy_Monument_Concordia_MO
- All Who Serve Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery
- Confederate Memorial (Lion of Lucerne); Dedicated 1861; Located Confederate Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42858
- Marine Corps Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery
- POW/MIA Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery
- USS Frank E. Evans Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery
- Battle of Lexington State Historic Site & Markers (Medal of Honor); Dedicated 2009; Located Delaware and 13th Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBH4W_Battle_of_Lexington_Memorial_Lexington_Missouri
- Lafayette County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM57PH_Lafayette_County_Veterans_Memorial_Lexington_MO
- Lieutenant Robert H. Mooney Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Wentworth Military Academy; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBK1G_Lieutenant_Robert_H_Mooney_Memorial_Lexington_Missouri
- Memorial To Confederate Dead; Located Machpelah Cemetery, intersection of 13th & 20th st
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated April 26, 1987; Located Wentworth Military Academy, 1880 Washington Avenue; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBK18_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Wentworth_Military_Academy_Lexington_MO_USA
- Wentworth Military Academy World War I Memorial, Spirit of the American Doughboy; Dedicated June 10, 1923; Located Washington Avenue and 19th Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBD3W_Wentworth_Military_Academy_World_War_I_Memorial_Lexington_Missouri also at http://doughboysearcher.weebly.com/lexington-missouri.html
- World War Veterans Memorial; Located North bluff of Missouri River, west side of Lexington at old Highway 13 Bridge
- Veterans War Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm); Dedicated November 11, 1989; Located corner of city park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HNE_Veterans_War_Memorial_Concordia_MO
- Confederate Monument; Located Greenton Cemetery, 3 miles north of Odessa on Greenton Road off Hwy 131
- Veterans Memorial; Railroad Park (All Wars), Dedicated 1993; Located 2nd and Cobb Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4E2A_Veterans_Memorial_Odessa_MO
- Civil War Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located South Elliott Avenue; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62844
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post 126 599 S Lewis Shaw Drive
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Maple Park Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62802
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1958; Located West Prospect Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62871
- Cave Springs' Cemetery Civil War Memorial; Dedicated 2009; Located County Route 4; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=24281
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1988; Located Town Square; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4T0E_Veterans_Memorial_Marionville_MO
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 26, 2005; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 1600 South Hickory; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Lawrence County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1987; Located Loan Avenue, Wynne Park; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=43063
- Tank & Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Army National Guard Armory
- Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Main Street & 3rd St.
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1932; Located intersection West Main and East Main Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=59871
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 30, 2009; Located 6th and Monroe; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- La Grange Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located La Grange City Park
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Hall, Main and N. Elm Street;
- Lewis County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknwon; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4H9Y_Lewis_County_Veterans_Memorial_Monticello_MO
- M60 Tank & Veterans Memorial; Dedicated June 22, 1969; Located American Legion Post 226; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BGF_American_Legion_Elsberry_Community_Post_No_226_Veterans_Memorial_Elsberry_Missouri
- Sgt. Arlin D. Collins Memorial; Dedicated 1968; Located Hillcrest Memorial Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6TVA_Sgt_Arlin_D_Collins_Elsberry_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1951; Located Ellsberry City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BFF_Elsberry_Veterans_Memorial_Elsberry_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post 410; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BBN_American_Legion_Robert_Fisher_Jr_Post_No_410_Veterans_Memorial_Foley_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4DTJ_VFW_Veterans_Memorial_Hawk_Point_MO
- Lincoln County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1971; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4P2D_Lincoln_County_Veterans_Memorial_Troy_MO
- Veterans Eternal Flame Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4CK9_Lincoln_Countys_Veterans_Memorial_Troy_MO
- Woods Fort War of 1812 Marker; Dedicated 1918; Located Boone and Main Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4T1M_Site_of_Woods_Fort_Troy_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2006; Located small park in town; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BAK_Winfield_Veterans_Memorial_Winfield_Missouri
- Brookfield Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Twin Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6QRY_Brookfield_Memorial_Brookfield_MO
- Civil War Memorial (Civil War); Dedicated 1912; Located City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM753E_Twin_Parks_Memorial_Brookfield_MO
- Civil War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Laclede City Cemetery, Hwy 5 (Grove St.) & Cole St.
- General John J. Pershing Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Near the Laclede/General Pershing billboard on Highway 36
- General John J. Pershing statue; Dedicated - Unknown; Located General John Pershing boyhood home state historic site
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Across from Laclede City Cemetery on Hwy 5
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located North High and East Jackson Streets, Courthouse lawn;http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM6TEK_Veterans_Memorial_Linneus_MO
- Jaycees Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Livingston County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2002; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH1Q6_Livingston_County_Veterans_Memorial_Chillicothe_Missouri
- Livingston County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1966; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH1Q3_Livingston_County_Veterans_Memorial_Chillicothe_Missouri
- Veterans Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of Courthouse, 700 Webster St.
M 58
Macon County - Callo 1
Macon County - Callo 1
- War of Nations Memorial (World War I); Dedicated - Unknown; Located 2nd and Chestnut Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM75C0_War_of_Nations_Memorial_Callao_MO
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 17, 2007; Located Colonel Blees National Guard Armory, Highway 63; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Korea & Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated May 1985; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM67GW_Korea_Vietnam_Memorial_Macon_MO
- Macon County Courthouse Monument (All Wars); Rededicated 2007; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5DA8_Macon_County_Courthouse_Macon_Missouri
- Post Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5D89_1917_1918_War_Memorial_Macon_Missouri
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5D7X_Macon_County_World_War_II_Memorial_Macon_Missouri
- 8th Wisconsin Memorial "Old Abe," Dedicated - Unknown; Located Southeast corner of Madison County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCNM4_8th_Wisconsin_Memorial_Old_Abe_Fredricktown_Mo
- Confederate Memorial - Battle of Fredericktown; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Northwest corner Masonic Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCNKZ_Confederate_Memorial_Battle_of_Fredericktown_Missouri
- Henry Frizzell (CMOH) Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Madison County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located County Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8V4B_Madison_County_Veterans_Memorial_Frederickstown_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located 3rd Street & Alvarado Avenue; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3R6P_Belle_Veterans_Memorial_Belle_MO
- Ralph Branson Jr. Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3XH2_War_Memorial_Vienna_Maries_County_Missouri_USA
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated 1968; Located - Undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3TH3_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Maries_County_courthouse_lawn_Vienna_MO_USA
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4FD3_World_War_Monument_Vienna_MO
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated 1948; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4A82_World_War_II_Memorial_Vienna_MO
- Admiral Robert Coontz Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Mount Olivet Cemetery, Hwy T (Fulton Ave) south of town
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 10, 2001; Located Welcome Center on Hwy 61; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Veterans Memorial
- Confederate Monument (Civil War); Dedicated 1907; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=55392
- Marion County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Palmyra Massacre; Dedicated - Unknown; Located intersection West Lafayette and South Dickerson Streets; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=55390
- Capt. Eldon Stratton Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- David A, Thurman Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM44GZ_David_A_Thurman_Pineville_MO
- McDonald County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4EW3_McDonald_County_Veterans_Memorial_Pineville_MO
- Mercer County Combined World War Memorial (World War I, World War II) ; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Mercer County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH0M0_Mercer_County_Combined_World_War_Memorial_Princeton_Missouri
- Mercer County Memorial Plaque; Dedicated 1929; Located Mercer County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH0KA_Mercer_County_Memorial_Plaque_Princeton_Missouri
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 14, 2008; Miller County Historical Society, Highway 52;http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Flagpole Memoria Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located East end of Eldon on Business 54 & High St.
- Liberty Tree & Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Ranger St.
- Revolutionary War - World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hawken Cemetery, Hawken Cemetery Road
- Tank Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post on Highway 42
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Hall, Highway 42
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Town Square
- Veterans Memorial Room; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Church of Nazarene, corner of Lawson and Manor Dr.
- Wall of Honor (World War II); Dedicated - Unknown; Located 1st Floor of Courthouse
- Baptist Church Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 1st Baptist Church
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 17, 2008; Located Mississippi County Library, 105 East Marshall; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Methodist Church Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Methodist Church
- Mississippi County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Korean War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Main Street
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; In front of old East Prairie Junior High School
- Monitau County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2004; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=55390; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4A53_Moniteau_County_Veterans_Memorial_California_MO
- World War II Wall of Honor; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First Floor Hallway of Courthouse
- Blue Star Marker; June 4, 2006; Located Grow & Glow Park, Highway 50 and State Street; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located St. Andrews Cemetery, West on Hwy 50,near the west city limits, turn south at sign for cemetery
- Ulysses S. Grant Camp Site Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hwy U & Main St.
- Captain Ben Smith Airfield (Iraq); Dedicated October 4, 2008; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5936_Captain_Ben_Smith_Airfield_Monroe_City_MO
- Monroe County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated July 4, 1991; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM48DX_Monroe_County_Veterans_Memorial_Paris_MO
- World War I - World War II Honor Rolls; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Danville Raid/Boonslick Road Area Civil War Markers; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hwy 161 & Boone's Lick Road
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Hwy F 1.5 miles north of town
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Jonesburg City Cemetery, east on Railroad Street
- Desert Storm Quilt; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Inside courthouse
- Montgomery County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM48DE_Montgomery_County_Veterans_Memorial_Montgomery_City_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Montgomery City Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42726
- World War I Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Versailes Cemetery
New Madrid County (No Memorials Listed)
Newton County - Diamond 1
New Madrid County (No Memorials Listed)
Newton County - Diamond 1
- American Legion Post 431 Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Diamond Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42013
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Granby Memorial Cemetery, intersection of S. Main & Cemetery Road;
- Newton County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42988
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Memorial Park Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM59WB_Veterans_Memorial_Memorial_Park_Cemetery_near_Neosho_MO
- Veterans Memorial Plaque; Located Clark Funeral Home-310 S. Wood Street
- Veterans Wall of Honor Memorial Park Cemetery; Dedicated - Unknown; Located between Neosho and Goodman on Hwy 59; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM59WB_Veterans_Memorial_Memorial_Park_Cemetery_near_Neosho_MO
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated 1941; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4M4R_World_War_II_Veterans_Memorial_Neosho_MO
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located directly in front of the Post Office; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62730
- Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 700 Ozark Street
- Armed Forces Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 2008; Located Lincoln and Main Streets; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Nodaway County African American Veterans Memorial;
- Nodaway County Veterans Memorial (Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated November 11, 1979; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BAR_Nodaway_County_Veterans_Memorial_Maryville_Missouri
- World War I -Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
O 7
Oregon County - Alton 1
Oregon County - Alton 1
- Oregon County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1997; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=988:alton-29149&catid=53&Itemid=255 also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM48XC_Veterans_Memorial_Oregon_County_MO
- World War II Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Bingham and Diggins Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4CKH_WW_II_Veterans_Memorial_Koshkonong_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Augusta Park
- VFW Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 8045, 36776 Highway T
- Osage County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located On the square across from Main Street (Hwy 50); http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMCVWE_Osage_County_Veterans_Memorial_Linn_Missouri
- Ozark County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- "Reflections" Vietnam pictures; Located First floor of Courthouse
P 72
Pemiscot County - Caruthersville 5
Pemiscot County - Caruthersville 5
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 1996; Located Veterans War Memorial Park at Truman Boulevard; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- England Park - Dedicated to Colonel John England; includes memorial & vintage jet; Located Highway U on West side of Town
- General John Riggs Veterans Memorial/Park;(All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2000; Located General Riggs Veterans Park http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=36401
- Lt. Col. John B. England (World War II); Dedicated - Unknown; Located General Riggs Veterans Park; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55:caruthersville-29155&catid=2484&Itemid=255; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=36402
- Pemiscot County Veterans Memorial; Located American Legion Post 88 Fairgrounds, Truman Blvd (hwy 84)
- Cooter Area Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Cooter City hall
- VFW Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located North Side Park VFW Building
- Steele Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Joe Saliba Park
- Capt. Raymond Littge Memorial (World War II); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2EFW_Captain_Raymond_Littge_US_Air_Force_Perryville_Missouri
- Perry County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2EFR_Perry_County_War_Memorial_Perryville_Missouri
- Union Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- All Wars Field Gun Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- GAR Civil War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Crown Hill Cemetery, north of city on Engineer Avenue; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG2D9_Crown_Hill_Cemetery_GAR_Marker_Sedalia_Mo
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated August 26, 1949; Located six miles west on US 50 at Queen of the Praries roadside park (formerly Bradford Roadside Park); http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated August 19, 1998; Located State Fairgrounds; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Pettis County Veterans Memorial Eternal Flame (Note- Flame is no longer lit); Dedicated November 11, 1973; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG2ZT_Pettis_County_Veterans_Memorial_Sedalia_Mo
- Pettis County War Memorial (World War I); Dedicated November 12, 1926; Located Pettis County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG2XT_Pettis_County_War_Memorial_Sedalia_Mo
- Sedalia War Dog Memorial; Dedicated 2003; Located Pettis County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG3XR_Sedalia_War_Dog_Memorial_Sedalia_Mo
- Statue of Liberty Memorial; Located Courthouse lawn
- VFW Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1995; Located Pettis County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG4H8_VFW_Veterans_Memorial_Pettis_County_Courthouse_Sedalia_Mo
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 5, 1988; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3Y67_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Pettis_County_Courthouse_Sedalia_Missouri_USA
- World War I Boxcar Memorial; Located State Fairgrounds
- Spirit of the American Doughboy (World War I); Dedicated November 12, 1926; Located Pettis County Courthouse lawn; http://doughboysearcher.weebly.com/sedalia-missouri.html
- Our Flag Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 104 Franklin Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3R6M_Our_Flag_Veterans_Memorial_Windsor_MO
- American War Mothers Veterans Memorial; Located Old Phelps County Courthouse, 3rd St. & Rolla St.
- Civil War in Rolla/Fort Wyman Markers; Located Old Phelps County Courthouse, 3rd St. & Rolla St.
- Civil War - World War I Memorial; Located Rolla Cemetery, Corner of Hwy 72 and Rolla St.
- Our Sons and Daughters Memorial; Dedicated 1964; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4PN4_Our_Sons_and_Daughters_Rolla_MO
- Phelps County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated June 2, 2007; Located front of new Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4N0Y_Phelps_County_Veterans_Memorial_Rolla_MO
- American War Mothers Memorial; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 620 N. Jefferson
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 620 N. Jefferson; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Great War of Nations Memorial (Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I); Dedicated Originally 1923, Restored 1986, Restored 2005; Located City Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4Y19_The_Great_War_of_Nations_Memorial_Rolla_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1953; Located Missouri Veterans Home; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4ZAY_Veterans_Memorial_St_James_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located School grounds, Hardy & Jefferson Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4JX6_Veterans_Memorial_Saint_James_MO
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 620 N. Jefferson; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4YTQ_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Missouri_Veterans_Home_St_James_MO_USA
- Pike County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1991; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM53ZB_Pike_County_Veterans_Memorial_Bowling_Green_MO
- Bowling Green - World War I Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of Courthouse
- Bowling Green - World War II Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of courthouse
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 9, 2006; Located River Heritage Center; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Dudley Patton Harvey Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BJN_Dudley_Patton_Harvey_Post_349_Veterans_Memorial_Clarksville_Missouri
- Buffalo Fort Marker; Located Hwy D, approx 1 mile south of Louisiana off Hwy 79
- Union Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Riverview Cemetery
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1993; Located American Legion Post 370; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1CD7_American_Legion_Post_370_Veterans_Memorial_Louisiana_Missouri
- Confederate Memorial; Located North of Camden Point on corner of Ee & Pleasant Grove Road
- Camden Point Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located park, west side of Camden; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM73P0_Camden_Point_Veterans_Memorial_Camden_Point_Mo
- Veterans Memorial Park Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 400 Platte Ave.
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located County Road E; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=22004
- Veterans Memorial Park Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 400 Platte Ave.
- The Liberty Memorial (World War I); Dedicated November 11, 1926; Located Kansas City International Airport; http://www.hmdb.org/Marker.asp?Marker=43188
- Civil War Plaques; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Platte County Courthouse
- Joseph Morgan Revolutionary War Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Platte City Cemetery (possibly Missouri Cemetery)
- Mexican-American War Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Platte City Cemetery (possibly Missouri Cemetery)
- Platte County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2006; Located Platte County Courthouse; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=63523
- American Legion Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Weston American Legion Post 501 on Route 273
- Spc. Colby Farnan Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located (May be same as Amererican Legion above)
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1998; Located intersection Missouri Route 45/273 and Library Drive; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=44501
- World War II Memorial Tree; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Platte County Courthouse
- Polk County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1984; Located Broadway; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62569
- Spirit of the American Doughboy (World War I); Dedicated November 11, 1925; Located Polk County Courthouse; http://doughboysearcher.weebly.com/bolivar-missouri.html
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated May 27, 1996; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4PVY_Veterans_Memorial_Bolivar_MO
- World War I Honor Roll Memorial; Dedicated 1925; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4X3E_World_War_Honor_Roll_Bolivar_MO
- AmVets Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Main Street & Highway O; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM42GW_Veterans_Memorial_Flemington_MO; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM40A5_AmVets_Veterans_Memorial_Flemington_MO
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Flemington Cemetery, west of town on 315th Rd
- Halfway Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Halfway School, Hwy 32
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Corner of Ohio and Tilden Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM42GT_War_Memorial_Humansville_MO
- Richland Area Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Corner of Jefferson and Pine Street
- M60A Tank
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated April 8, 2006; Located Old US 66 & Highway 17; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Hwy 17 south
- World War II Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located inside old courthouse
- Putnam County Civil War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Putnam County Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7WJQ_Putnam_County_Civil_War_Memorial_Unionville_Missouri
- Putnam County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located corner public square in Unionville; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7WTP_Putnam_County_Veterans_Memorial_Unionville_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
Ralls County - Center 1
Ralls County - Center 1
- Harry A. Anderson Memorial Park; Dedicated 1973; Located Triangle at Hwy 19, East and Ely Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4NCJ_Harry_A_Anderson_Memorial_Park_Center_MO
- Mark Twain Lake Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located M.W. Boudreaux Visitor Center, Route J, just south of Clarence Cannon; Dam; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3HNB_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Clarence_Cannon_Dam_Mark_Twain_Lake_MO_USA
- Bill J. Trower Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Main St. (Hwy 154) & Hill St.
- General Omar Bradley Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sayre Memorial Park, Main St.
- Roswell B. Sayre Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sayre Memorial Park, Main St.
- Veterans Memorial; Located Clifton Hill Cemetery, Clinton St. off Hwy 3
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 3014; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4ACK_VFW_Veterans_Memorial_Higbee_MO
- Captain Delaney Washburn Memorial (Civil War); Dedicated 1976; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4THF_Captain_Delaney_S_Washburn_CSA_Huntsville_MO
- Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial Bench; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Abraham Lincoln Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Oakland Cemetery, just east of Hwy 63 on Rollins St. (hwy ee)
- All War Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road
- Company C 175th MP Korean War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4E2P_Company_C_175th_Military_Police_Moberly_MO
- Confederate Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Oakland Cemetery, just east of Hwy 63 on Rollins St. (Hwy ee)
- Desert Storm Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road
- General Omar Nelson Bradley Monument; Dedicated November 11, 1996; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4PB6_Omar_Nelson_Bradley_General_of_the_Army_Moberly_MO
- Korean War Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2003; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4E2M_Randolph_County_Korean_War_Memorial_Moberly_MO
- Randolph County Veterans Memorial Bench; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road
- Randolph County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HN9_Randolph_County_Veterans_Memorial_Moberly_MO
- Revolutionary War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road
- Union Memorial; Located Oakland Cemetery, just east of Hwy 63 on Rollins St. (Hwy ee)
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4R9B_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Rothwell_Park_Moberly_MO_USA
- Veterans Memorial Bench; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road
- World War I Doughboy Memorial; Dedicated 1927; Located Rothwell Park, boardered by US 24, Holman Road, and Rothwell Park Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4R94_World_War_I_Memorial_Moberly_MO
- World War II Veterans Memorial
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Cravins Cemetery,corner of County Road T (old 210) and County Road H, northeast of Camden.
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hardin Cemetery, east of town on Hwy 10
- All Wars Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Park, located in the Business district
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Baseball Park on Highway D in front of high school
- Captain William Anderson Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Pioneer Cemetery, Thornton St. & Grandview
- Colonel Alexander Doniphan Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sunnyslope Cemetery, West Main Street
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Memory Gardens, East Main Street
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Woodland Cemetery, Wilson Blvd, off W. Main St. (Hwy 10)
- Korea Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Pearl Harbor Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Private John Wallace Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Ray County Veterans Building; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 312 Clark St.
- Vietnam Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Dedicated July 4, 1987; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5207_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Courthouse_lawn_Richmond_MO_USA
- World War I Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1920; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4Z38_World_War_Veterans_Memorial_Richmond_MO
- World War II Honor Roll; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- World War II & Korea Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks
- Reynolds County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korean, Vietnam); Dedicated 1984; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4Q7P_Reynolds_County_Veterans_Memorial_Centerville_MO
- World War II Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of courthouse
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1993; Located Hwy 21, 1 mile south of Ellington; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5FXK_Veterans_Memorial_Ellington_MO
- Ripley County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57:doniphan-29181&catid=53&Itemid=255; also at http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3V3F_Ripley_County_Veterans_Memorial_courthouse_lawn_Doniphan_MO
- Veterans Memorial (World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1992; Located City Park, N. Front Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4FWZ_Veterans_Memorial_Naylor_MO
Saint Clair County - Osceola 1
Saint Clair County - Osceola 1
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1947, Rededicated 1983; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HNC_Veterans_Memorial_Osceola_MO
- Saline County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf); Dedicated 1991; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1DG7_Saline_County_Veterans_Memorial_Marshall_Missouri
- Saline County World War I Doughboy Memorial; Dedicated 1927; Located South of courthouse on North street west of Jefferson; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1DCN_Saline_County_World_War_I_Memorial_Marshall_Missouri
- Slater Veterans Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Downtown
- Schuyler County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea Vietnam); Dedicated 1976; Located Courthouse Lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7WW5_Schuyler_County_Veterans_Memorial_Lancaster_Missouri
- Barnett Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located South of town on highway/county road
- Scotland County World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn, 117 South Market Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7T2V_Scotland_County_World_War_I_Memorial_Memphis_Missouri
- Scotland County World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Scotland County Courthouse; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7T33_Scotland_County_World_War_II_Memorial_Memphis_Missouri
- Scott County Veterans Memorial (World War I); Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7J23_Scott_County_War_Memorial_Benton_Missouri
- Chaffee War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Circle Park
- St. Ambrose Parish Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located St. Ambrose Cemetery
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Scott City Park
- Sikeston Veterans Park and Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Linn Streeet
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 26, 2003; Located Oak Forest Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM20YK_All_War_Mimorial_Birch_Tree_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2005; Located City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM20ZH_Birch_Tree_Veterans_Memorial_Shannon_Co_Missouri
- Shannon County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM21RA_Shannon_County_Veterans_Memorial_Eminence_Shannon_Co_Missouri
- World War II Honor Roll; Located First floor of courthouse
- Shelby County World War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4NCE_World_War_Memorial_Shelbyville_MO
- Confederate Memorial; Located Corner of Fiese & Henke Road
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 20, 2007; Located Lake St. Louis Boulevard, Boulevard Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated May 17, 2008; Located Lake St. Louis Civic Center; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3YGT_Veterans_Memorial_Park_Lake_St_Louis_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Boulevard Park, Lake St. Louis Boulevard; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM26T0_Lake_St_Louis_MO_Memorial
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 21, 2011; Located Veterans Memorial Parkway; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- POW Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located - Undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7RR_OFallon_POW_Memorial
- Veterans Memorial Walk; Dedicated November 11, 2001; Located Located take exit 219 (Belleau Creek Road) off I-70, turn south, immediately on left; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRP8_City_of_OFallon_Missouri_Veterans_Memorial_Walk_OFallon_Missouri
- Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated September 21, 1969, Rededicated November 11, 2003; Located Dames Park, http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4E97_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Dames_Park_OFallon_MO_USA
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 4219; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM48DM_Orchard_Farm_VFW_Memorial_MO
- Indian Treaties (War of 1812); Dedicated March 31, 1952, Rededicated July 7, 1992; Located LeSieur and Common Field Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5749_Indian_Treaties_Portage_des_Sioux_MO
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated June 14, 2010; Located Veterans Memorial Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- St. Charles Riverfront Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 2005; Located Bishops Landing; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM136R_St_Charles_River_Front_Veterans_Memorial_St_Charles_Missouri
- St. Charles County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1997; Located Old courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM185T_St_Charles_County_Veterans_Memorial_St_Charles_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Kister Park
- Veterans Memorial, M60A Tank (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 2866; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2THG_Kohl_Jeck_VFW_Post_2866_Veterans_Memorial_St_Charles_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1920; Located Old courthouse lawn, 2nd Street & Jefferson; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1QFD_St_Charles_County_World_War_I_Memorial_St_Charles_Missouri
- American Legion Post 313 Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post 313, 200 Main St.
- Korean War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located - Undetermined; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5BR0_Gentry_County_Korean_War_Memorial_Albany_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated October 3, 1998; Located City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1HYT_St_Peters_Veterans_Memorial_St_Peters_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Willott and Jugermann Roads; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM55YY_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Willott_and_Jungermann_Roads_St_Peters_MO
- Afghanistan & Iraq Memorial; Dedicated 2007; Located Wentzville Community Club, Sunset Drive & Main Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4PWA_Afghanistan_Iraq_War_Memorial_Wentzville_MO
- Civil War Skirmish Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Bicentennial Park, Pearce Blvd. & Blumhoff Ave.
- Sgt Kenneth G. Bruns Memorial (Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 5327, S. Church Street;
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located VFW Post 5327; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM18T8_Wentzville_VFW_Post_5327_Veterans_Memorial_Wentzville_Missouri
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated 1984; Located next to Firehouse on Pearce Boulevard; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3NK1_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Firemans_Park_Wentzville_MO
- Smallpox Island Confederate Prisoners Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lincoln Shields Recreation Area, Hwy 67
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated May 6, 2001; Located Highway 94; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5A9C_Veterans_Memorial_West_Alton_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City park
- Civil War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Osceola Cemetery
- Civil War Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Roadside Park, Hwy 82 Sac & Osage River Overlook
- St. Clair County Wall of Honor; Dedicated - Unknown; Located East wing of Courthouse
- Saint Clair County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1947; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=52960
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 5, 1952; Located Long Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- St. Francois County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 1988; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2011_St_Francois_County_Veterans_Memorial_Farmington_Missouri_USA
- Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1947, 1983; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4HNC_Veterans_Memorial_Osceola_MO
- World War I Memorial Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lobby of Courthouse
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated December 18, 1997; Located Bicentennial Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 18, 2009; Located 1-55 South bound rest area; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated October 22, 2006; Located I-55 Rest Area; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Camp Weingarten POW Camp; Closed 1945; Location unknown (may be private property- only remnant is a chimney which can be viewed from the road); http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3QWF_Camp_Weingarten_Weingarten_Missouri
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1923; Located Sunset Memorial Cemetery, Gravois Rd. & Laclede Station Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM17D3_Sunset_Memorial_Park_Monument_Affton_Missouri
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 9, 2007; Located Vlasis Park; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- M60A Tank; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 10600 Lewis & Clark Blvd
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 20, 2000; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 10600 Lewis & Clark Boulevard; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- World War I Howitzer; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Missouri Veterans Home, 10600 Lewis & Clark Blvd
- Veterans Memorial Park; Dedicated - Unknown; Located 2577 Redman Road
- Lt. William T. Costen Memorial (Persian Gulf); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Brentwood Public Library, http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2TP0_LT_William_T_Tom_Costen_USN_Memorial_Brentwood_Missouri
- Roll of Honor (World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Brentwood City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM2TPN_Roll_of_Honor_Brentwood_Missouri
- St. Louis County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Southeast corner of Forsyth and Central Ave
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1941; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4C1J_World_War_I_Veterans_Memorial_Clayton_MO
- Soldiers Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sappington Cemetery, 1015 S. Sappington Rd.
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1968; Located Sappington Road & Detjen Drive; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM179Q_Crestwood_Veterans_Memorial_Crestwood_Missouri
- World War II Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM10H2_Des_Peres_World_War_II_Memorial_Des_Peres_Missouri
- Lafayette War Memorial; Dedicated 1981; Located 225 Kiefer Creek Road; http://www.ellisville.mo.us/index.asp?&SEC=%7BC6CA5E1B-CEEE-4D85-80AA-2B4F68A975B3%7D
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Florissant Civic Center, 1 Civic Center Drive
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Koch Park, Charbonier and Howdershell Roads
- Glendale Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Sappington Road and Furman Terrace; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMZKT_Glendale_Veterans_Memorial_Glendale_Missouri
- Battle of the Bulge Monument; Dedicated October 12, 1997; Located Jefferson Barracks Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4NR5_Battle_of_the_Bulge_Memorial_Jefferson_Barracks_Park
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated April 26, 1998; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated November 11, 1999; Located Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 12, 2004; Located Jefferson Barracks Old Ordinance Room; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Destroyer Escort Sailors Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- DUV Memorial for Union Women; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- DUV Memorial to the Union Dead; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Hidden Valley Air Force Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Khe Sanh Veterans Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Memorial Amphitheater; Located Jefferson Barracks Park
- Memorial To Confederate Dead; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Memorial to Sea Service Women; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Memorial to Unknown Dead; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Merchant Marine Seamen Memorial; Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Minnesota Monument; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Navy & Coast Guard Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Palawan Massacre Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- U.S. Marine Memorial; Located Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- World War I Kings Blvd Plaques; Located Chapel, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
- Memorial Park Cemetery Gateway (World War II); Dedicated 1949; 5200 Lucas and Hunt Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMDWEK_Memorial_Park_Cemetery_Gateway_Jennings_Missouri
- Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMZEF_Kirkwood_Veterans_Memorial_Kirkwood_Missouri
- Veteran's Memorial Walk; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Vago Park, Fee Fee Road & Midland Ave.
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Tourist Welcome Center at I-270 & Riverview Dr
- World War II Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located intersection Gravois, Sappington, Denny Roads; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5CC0_World_War_II_Honor_Roll_Sappington_MO
- Shrewsbruy Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hazel Avenue and Shrewsbury Road; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM110K_Shrewsbury_Veterans_Memorial_Schewsbury_Missouri
- World War I Flagpole Memorial; Located Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery, 7570 Olive Boulevard
- World War II Memorial; Located Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery, 7570 Olive Boulevard
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated September 10, 2006; Located Ruhe Park, Elm & Glendale Street; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Private Richard Kopplin Plaque; Dedicated 1918; Located Kopplin Field, Webster Groves High School, Big Bend Avenue & Plymouth Bloulevard; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4G3P_Private_Richard_Kopplin_Jr_Webster_Groves_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM10B4_Webster_Groves_City_Hall_Veterans_Memorial_Webster_Groves_Missouri
- American Legion Founding Memorial; Located Memorial Park, 14th St. & Pine St.
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated 1995; Located National Garden Clubs, 4401 Magnolia Avenue; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Carondelet's Memorial; Dedicated May 30, 1924; Located 6800 Michigan Avenue; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM11M8_Carondelets_Memorial_St_Louis_Missouri
- Civil Courts Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1934; Located Civil Courts Building; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4WV2_Civil_Courts_Veterans_Memorial_St_Louis_Missouri
- Confederate Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Forest Park, Confederate Drive
- DAR/George Washington Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Lafayette Park
- Fort San Carlos (American Revolution); Dedicated June 14, 1940; Located near old Fort San Carlos; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBMXJ_Fort_San_Carlos_St_Louis_MO
- General Franz Sigel Monument; Located Forest Park, Union Blvd & Grand Drive
- General Ulysses S. Grant Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Hall
- In Memory of Robert E. Lee; Dedicated 1977; Located near Jefferson Expansion Arch; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=4946
- Korean War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Forest Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM24YB_Korean_War_Veterans_Memorial_St_Louis_Missouri
- Merchant Marine Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Soldiers Memorial, 1315 Chestnut
- Soldiers Memorial and Museum; Dedicated May 1938; Located 1315 Chestnut; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMJKH_Soldiers_Memorial_St_Louis_Missouri
- Spanish American Memorial Flag Pole; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Civil Courts Building, Tucker St. & Market
- St. Louis City Baron Von Steuben Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Tower Grove Park
- Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated 1979; Located Court of Honor, Chestnut.& 14th Streets; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM19FF_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Court_of_Honor_St_Louis_Missouri
- Washington University World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1922; Located courtyard wall of Ridgley Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR58_Washington_University_World_War_I_Memorial_St_Louis_Missouri
- William Tecumseh Sherman Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located
- World War I Memorial; Located Carondelet Branch Library, Michigan Ave. & Krauss St.
- World War I Memorial; Located Missouri History Museum, Lindell Blvd & DeBaliviere Ave.
- World War I Memorial; Located Washington University, courtyard wall of Ridgley Hall
- World War II Memorial; Located Court of Honor, Chestnut St.& 14th St.
- World War II Memorial Court of Honor; Dedicated May 31, 1948; Located North 13th Street at Market; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3R6D_Hermann_Honor_Roll_Hermann_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Maberry Park
- POW/MIA Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Missouri Veterans Cemetery
- Stoddard County Confederate Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Bloomfield Cemetery, Hwy E east off of Hwy 25
- Stoddard County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- George Kenton Sisler Monument (CMOH); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Keller Library
- Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Old City Hall
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1991; Located City Park, Bib Conrad Drive & Commerce Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4XAH_Veterans_Memorial_Crane_MO
- J.D. Coones Lee E. Young Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Y-Bridge Park, Y-Bridge Boulevard & East 4th Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4XR6_J_D_Coones_Lee_E_Young_Galena_MO
- Stone County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1988; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4XR1_Stone_County_Veterans_Memorial_Galena_MO; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62892
- Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1981; Located Hurley's Homestead Park; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62891
- Green City Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2006; Located town square; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMGZY8_Green_City_Veterans_Memorial_Green_City_Missouri
- American Legion Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post 228, 600 Spring Street
- Sullivan County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMH075_Sullivan_County_War_Memorial_Milan_Missouri
Taney County - Forsyth 3
Taney County - Forsyth 3
- Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated 1962; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=987:forsyth-29213&catid=53&Itemid=255
- Howitzer Memorial-75 mm Cannon & Granite Marker; Dedicated 1962; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.roadsandriders.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=987:forsyth-29213&catid=53&Itemid=255
- Veterans Memorial Wall; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- Branson Cemetery Veteran Flagpole (All Wars); Dedicated 1997; Located just outside Branson Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMFPYN_Branson_Cemetery_Veteran_Flagpole_Branson_MO
- Branson City Hall Veterans Memorial Flagpole; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Branson City Hall; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMFHCB_Branson_City_Hall_Veterans_Memorial_Flagpole_Branson_MO
- Flagpole Memorial; Located Various Taney County Cemeteries
- Tanger Factory Outlet Center Veterans Flag (All Wars); Dedicated April 29, 1995; Located entrance Tanger Factory Outlet; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMER3A_Tanger_Factory_Outlet_Center_Veterans_Flag_Branson_MO
- Veterans Memorial; Located Ozark Memorial Cemetery, 1638 East State Highway 76
- Veterans Memorial Garden; Dedicated September 1, 2009; Located Route 76, eastern entrance to Branson Strip; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMFGWC_Veterans_Memorial_Garden_Branson_MO
- Veterans Memorial Museum (Home to the World's Largest Bronze War Memorial); http://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g44160-d267789-i25974548-Veterans_Memorial_Museum_Branson-Branson_Missouri.html
- Veterans Park & Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Branson Meadows
- Vietnam War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located inside Uptown Cafe; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMBGR4_Vietnam_War_Memorial_Uptown_Cafe_Branson_MO_USA
- World War II Memorial Plaque; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Post office
- Veterans Park & Pavilion; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Main Street
- Texas County Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea Vietnam, Persian Guf; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5644_Texas_County_Veterans_Memorial_Houston_MO
- Town Square Flagpole Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Town square
- Texas County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5644_Texas_County_Veterans_Memorial_Houston_MO
Vernon County - Horton 2
Vernon County - Horton 2
- All Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Little Osage Cemetery - near Horton, Missouri off US 71
- Balltown G.A.R. Cemetery Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Little Osage Cemetery - near Horton, Missouri off US 71
- Missouri State Guard Militia Monument (Civil War); Dedicated 2001; Located front of Bushwhacker Museum and Jail; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM8YC4_Missouri_State_Guard_Militia_Nevada_Missouri
- Vernon County Valor Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 2003; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=36020
- Vernon County War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located County Courthouse; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=35019
- Vernon County War Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1924; Located 402 Cherry Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=36081
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1988; Located intersection Austin Boulevard and Ash Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=61467
Warren County - Warrenton 3
Warren County - Warrenton 3
- American Legion Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located American Legion Post 122, 28855 Legion Trail Lane
- Central Wesleyan College World War I Memorial; Dedicated November 11, 1920; W. Booneslick Road; ;http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3QGA_Central_Wesleyan_College_WWI_Memorial_Warrenon_MO
- Warren County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated 1970, rededicated November 11 1997;Located Warren County Courthouse grounds; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42560
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated November 11, 2006; Located Wright City Cemetery, North of I-70 on Elm Street; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM5H94_Veterans_Memorial_Wright_City_MO; also at http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=42539
- Burial Site of an Unknown Soldier; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Hwy Z (Palmer Rd) just off Hwy C between Belgrade & Courtois
- Flagpole Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Caledonia Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM39W5_Caledonia_Memorial_Flagpole_Caledonia_Missouri
- American Revolution War Memorial; Dedicated 1957; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3V4A_Washington_County_Revolutionary_War_Memorial_Potosi_Missouri
- Washington County Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1NG0_Washington_County_Veterans_Memorial_Potosi_Missouri
- Washington County Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located City Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4Q6B_Washington_Honor_Roll_Washington_MO
- Wayne County Veterans Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located First floor of Courthouse
- Wayne County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM49DD_Wayne_County_Veterans_Memorial_Greenville_MO
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated 1920; Located Courthouse lawn; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3R6H_Wayne_County_WWI_Veterans_Memorial_Greenville_MO
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated Unknown; Located Patterson Cemetery; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4F8H_Veterans_Memorial_Patterson_MO
- Fort Benton Historical Marker; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Overlooking Patterson Cemetery off Hwy 34
- Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Patterson Cemetery, Hwy 34
- Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1974; Located Piedmont Community Park; http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM4H9H_Wayne_County_Veterans_Memorial_Piedmont_MO
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated May 2, 1954; Located West of Conway at Westbound I-44 Rest Area; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Webster County Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Courthouse lawn
- World War I Honor Roll; Dedicated - Unknown; Located East foyer of courthouse
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated July 1, 1995; Located Front Street; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=60069
- Seymour Veterans Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam); Dedicated 1995; Located Town square, corner of Main & Market; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=60070
- GAR Monument; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Grant City Cemetery
- Honey War Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located North of Sheridan
- Battle of Hartville Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located in cemetery, exact location unknown
- Blue Star Marker; Dedicated July 7, 2006; Located Day Building, South Highway 5; http://www.fgcmo.org/home/educational-programs/missouri-blue-star/blue-star-memorial-markers
- Little Creek Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located North of Hartville, West of Hwy 5 & South of Hwy F
- Pleasant Hill Veterans Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located West of Hartville north of Hwy 38
- KIA All Wars Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Mansfield town square
- Veterans Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated - Unknown; Located Mansfield Cemetery; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=62566
- War Memorial (World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Operation Enduring Freedom); Dedicated 1976; Located town square; http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=60073
- Wright Veteran's Memorial (All Wars); Dedicated 2003; Located small park near picnic shelter;
- World War I Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Town Square, T intersection of Main & 2nd st.
- World War II - Vietnam Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Town Square, T intersection of Main & 2nd st.
- Spanish American War Nurses Memorial; Dedicated - Unknown; Located Town Square, T intersection of Main & 2nd st.
Missouri's Blue Star/State Memorial Highways
- East side of Carthage on a bypassed section of Route 66.
- Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, 2900 Sheridan Road, St. Louis, MO - http://www.cem.va.gov/CEM/cems/nchp/jeffersonbarracks.asp
- Jefferson City National Cemetery, 1204 East McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO - http://www.cem.va.gov/CEM/cems/nchp/jeffersoncity.asp
- Springfield National Cemetery, 1702 East Seminole Street, Springfield, MO - http://www.cem.va.gov/CEM/cems/nchp/springfield.asp
- Union Confederate Monument Site, 227 E. 28th Street Terrace, Kansas City, MO - http://www.cem.va.gov/cems/lots/union_confed.asp
- Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital, 800 Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO - http://www.columbiamo.va.gov/
- John J. Pershing VA Medical Center, 1500 North Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, MO - http://www.poplarbluff.va.gov/
- Kansas City VA Medical Center, 4801 Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO - http://www.kansascity.va.gov/
- VA St. Louis Health Care System, 915 North Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO - http://www.stlouis.va.gov/
- VA St. Louis Health Care System, Jefferson Barracks, 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, St. Louis, MO - http://www.stlouis.va.gov/
Missouri's Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, includes recipients born in Missouri but medals credited in another state
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
For more detailed information on the Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, please visit:
Adams, Wiliam Edward
Anderson (Smyth), James Balch, John Henry Ballard, Donald Everett Barger, Charles Denver Barkley, John Lewis Bieger, Charles Black, John Charles Brant, Abram B Bryan, William C. Burr, Herbert Hoover Button, William Robert Cable, Joseph A. Cannon, George Hamm Cary, Robert Webster Cole, Darrell Samuel Crandall, Orson Leon Creek, Thomas Elbert Davenport, Jack Arden David, Albert Leroy Depuy, Charles H. Edward, White Ellis, Michael B Elwood, Edwin L. Epps, Joseph L. Evns, William Fleming, James Phillip Flynn, James Edward Follett, Joseph Leonard Foran, Nicholas Forrest, Arthur J. Forsyth, Thomas Hall |
Frizzell, Henry F.
Funk, Jesse N. Fuqua, Samuel Glenn Gaiennie, Louis Rene Geiger, George Grebe, M.R. William Guerin, Fitz W. Gwynne, Nathaniel McClean Hall, William Preble Hammel, Henry A. Hammond, Jr., Lester Hanneken, Herman Henry Hardin, Mosher A. Hatler, M. Waldo Hill, Frank E. Holtz, August Howard, James Howell Hunt, Louis T. Johnson, Leo William Kanell, Billie Gene Kelley, Ova Art Kirby, Dennis Thomas Lee, Hubert Louis Long, Charles Richard McCammon, William Wallace McGann, Michael A. McGuire, Fred Henry McMillian, Albert Walter Miller, Archie Myers, Fred Neder, Adam O'Hare, Edward Henry “Butch” |
Peden, Forrest E.
Pentzer, Patrick Henry Pesch, Joseph M. Petersen, Danny John Philips George Phillips, Samuel D. Phoenix, Edwin Porter, Ambrose Ray, Charles W. Riodan, Paul F. Schroeter, Charles Scott, Robert B.heppard, Charles Shingle, John Henry Sisler, George Kenton Sitter, Carl Leonard Skinker, Alexander Rives Smith, Charles E. Specker, Joe C. Steiner, Christian Taylor, Bernard Taylor, Charles Townsend, Julius Curtis Trogden, Howell G. Turner, Harold Leo Vokes, Leroy H. Wagner, John W. Weiss, Enoch R. Wherry, William Macky Wills, Henry Wilson, Richard G. Wortick, Joseph |
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If you are reading this, Thank a Teacher. If you are reading this in English, Thank a Veteran. Author Unknown |
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